
Weekly Meetings: What Your Team Wants You to Know (SlideShare)

Written by Toni Swint | Mon, May 20, 2019 @ 01:00 PM

How many of you are involved in a weekly staff meeting? My guess is that all of you participate in at least one. If you are an executive team member or departmental leader or part of cross-functional teams, you could be participating in a meeting like this every day. How many of you ever feel like my friend Nicole in this photo? If you are honest, most of you have probably - at some point - been bored out of your mind in a weekly meeting. According to a Harris poll, 17% of employees would rather watch paint dry than sit in a meeting. Yikes!

Here's the truth - this SlideShare has what your employees want you to know about your weekly staff meetings. Enjoy!

Weekly Meetings: 3 Things Your Team Wants You to Know from Rhythm Systems

Hopefully, you're inspired to makes some changes to those boring weekly status meetings. If you need more inspiration - or just a laugh - check out the video we made comparing boring status meetings to productive weekly adjustment meetings.