Focusing on What Needs Attention with Execution Summary

The Execution Summary tabs have charts, alerts, and a calendar view to help you quickly see which Tasks, Goals, and Meetings need work now.

How to Use the User Execution Summary

Navigate to Home > Execution Summary and click on the User button in the top menu to see a summary of how you are executing on your plan for the quarter.

Summary Charts:

The top left box in the Execution Summary screen contains summary charts of your Tasks, KPIs, and Quarter Priorities. Use the icons at the top to toggle between Tasks, KPIs, and Quarter Priorities to see a visual breakdown of the most recent updates on your tasks and goals for the quarter.

You can click "View All" to navigate to the list if you want to make any updates or dig into the specifics.

The status colors for goals in the chart are based on the latest status update for your goals (so if you have not updated in a couple of weeks, the chart will pull the status color from the last time you did update.)

Tip: If you want to see how you finished up a prior quarter, you can use the quarter selector in the top context to see the summary charts for prior quarters.


These alerts will help you focus on what needs your attention. You'll get a high five for any Green or SuperGreen goals this week, a nudge to dig into any Red or Yellow items, and reminders to update your status and add your Week In Sync note if you are behind.

You can dismiss the alerts, and click to view them again if you'd like. They will show updated any time the status has changed on your goals.

Meetings and Tasks:

If you use Rhythm for Meetings and Tasks, you can easily see what you have coming up for the week or month on the calendar view. This calendar has full functionality to drag and drop to change dates, create new Tasks or Meetings, complete Tasks or open the details to get right to work.

You can also easily see your list of overdue tasks, and click to check off any that are complete, delete ones that no longer apply, or drag and drop to update the due date on items that are still outstanding. 

How to Use the Team Execution Summary

Navigate to Home > Execution Summary and click on the Team button in the top menu to see a summary of how your team is executing the plan for the quarter.

Summary Charts:

The top left box in the Team Execution Summary screen contains summary charts for the selected Team. Use the icons at the top to toggle between Tasks, KPIs, and Quarter Priorities to see a visual breakdown of the most recent updates on your team's tasks and goals for the quarter.

You can click "View All" to navigate to the list if you want to make any updates or dig into the specifics.

The status colors for goals in the chart are based on the latest status update for the goals (so if the owner has not updated in a couple of weeks, the chart will pull the status color from the last time they did update.)

If you want to see how your team finished up a prior quarter, you can use the quarter selector in the top menu to see the summary charts for prior quarters.

Note: The KPI chart is showing a count of Team KPIs, and the Quarter Priorities chart is showing a count of the Team Quarter Priorities AND the child Quarter Priorities linked up to them (going down one level only).


These alerts will help you focus on what needs your attention. You can see how many goals are on track for Green or SuperGreen for the team, how many Red or Yellow goals may need extra help, and how many goals may need to be updated or started. You'll also get high fives for consecutive Weekly Meetings and reminders to set up your plan for the next quarter.

You can dismiss the alerts, and click to view them again if you'd like. They will show updated any time the status has changed on your Team's goals.

Meetings and Tasks:

If you use Rhythm for Meetings and Tasks, you can easily see what your team has coming up for the week or month on the calendar view. This calendar has full functionality to drag and drop to change dates, create new Tasks or Meetings, complete Tasks or open the details to get right to work.

You can also easily see your list of overdue tasks, and click to check off any that are complete, delete ones that no longer apply, or drag and drop to update the due date on items that are still outstanding. 

You can collapse this panel if you don't need to see it.

Summary by Person:

The final section of the Team Execution Summary breaks down specific people who own Goals for your team that you may need to congratulate for SuperGreen status, assist with Reds, or remind to get back on track if they have not updated in a while.

This is a great tool for Team leaders to get an idea of who may need help. You can click on each person's name to go to the list of their Goals, Tasks, or Week In Sync notes if you want to drill into details or make comments to offer congratulations or help.