Rhythm Mobile

Updating on the go has never been easier!

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How to Update Status

Our mobile experience lets you status your goals, update your tasks, add your Week In Sync and Daily Huddle notes in a few easy taps.

  1. Go to https://app.rhythm.cloud on your phone
  2. Use your same Username and Password
  3. Tap the menu to change to a different team, user or quarter or to navigate to a new screen
  4. To update status on a Goal, just tap on the Goal to open the detail and tap on the week number to choose the status
  5. Use the tabs on the Goal summary to work on Comments, Tasks or Attachments for the Goal
  6. Tap the navigation arrow at the top right to go to the next Goal in your list


Tip: If you need to edit a Goal, tap the More Actions icon

Updating Tasks

  1. Open the menu and choose Manage My Tasks
  2. Tap the box to mark items complete
  3. Use the More Actions icon to edit or delete tasks
  4. Click the Task name to open the detail and use the Comment or Attachments tabs

Adding Week In Sync and Daily Huddle Notes

  1.  Open the menu and choose the right screen
  2. Tap the More Actions icon to edit or copy your previous note
  3. Tap the + to add a new one

Managing Meetings

  1. Open the menu and choose My Meetings (or Team Meetings)
  2. Search or click to open the Meeting you want to work on, or click + to add a new Meeting
  3. Use the More Actions icon to edit, copy, or delete Meetings
  4. Click the Meeting name to open the detail and work on the Comments, Agenda, Tasks or Attachments tabs

Note: Looking for your Idea Boards or Meeting Notes? You'll need to access Rhythm from a desktop or tablet.


Download Rhythm to Your Phone


We don't currently have an app available in the App Store, but you can install it on your phone's Home Screen! 

Tap your initials in the top left and tap "Install" in the menu or click "Install Rhythm" in your browser bar:

Or, follow these steps on an iPhone:

1. Tap Share page icon
2. Tap Add to Home Screen
3. Use it like an app