Searching Rhythm

Find a goal, task, meeting, comment, or attachment using the Search feature.

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How to Search 

  1. Click the search icon on the top toolbar (or by clicking on your avatar in the top right corner and choosing Search on a smaller screen).
  2. Type your search term and hit enter. (See below for search term tips.)
  3. Click on items in the search results list to pull up details, and drag and drop to move the search panel if it is blocking the screen.
  4. Click anywhere outside the search panel to dismiss it.

      Search Tips

      1. Searches are for Goals (Quarter Priorities, KPIs, Annual Priorities, Winning Moves), Tasks, Meetings, Comments, and Attachments.
      2. Searches are across Teams and Quarters.
      3. Matching items will appear in their associated tab and will reflect the number of results displayed. Up to 100 results for each type can be returned.
      4. Search words are compared against a variety of fields within a type of item such as Name, Description, Owner, and Team.
      5. Spaces between words are considered a boolean AND search (e.g. wordA + wordB).

      Advanced Search

      • Boolean (AND using +, OR using |, NOT using -)
      • Prefix/Starts With (prefix*)
      • Exact Phrase (\"some phrase\")
      • Precedence (using parenthesis)
      • Fuzzy/Misspelled (word~2)