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Rhythm Certification

Photo Credit: iStock by Getty Images

Published May 29, 2018

Rhythm Certification

Photo Credit: iStock by Getty Images

Picture of Paige Wilcox

Paige Wilcox
the Client Services Manager at Rhythm Systems

How can you use a methodology and platform like Rhythm if you’re not fully in the know on all of the Rhythm Certificationtips, features and functions offered? There’s bound to be something left on the table that could make your life easier, and you may not even know you need it yet.  

A great way to get more value out of Rhythm is by moving through our certification program. To start, we offer a comprehensive Fan Certification that provides an understanding of our core methodology and themes (keep in mind, we also have a Fast Track version of this if you’re short on time. Email for the details).

Once you’re a Fan, you can learn how to best use the Rhythm software to your and your company’s advantage by completing our User Certification. You’ll be able to effectively navigate, record and manage key information in our software to make your experience a success.

If you’re a team leader in Rhythm and want to maximize the value of Rhythm for your team, then you’ll definitely want to earn your Leader Certification next. However, becoming certified as a Rhythm Leader is not a pre-requisite for becoming an Expert.

Completing Expert Certification is the highest achievable ring on the Rhythm ladder. As an Expert, you’ll become your company’s access gatekeeper and troubleshooting resource. You’ll effectively make connections between the methodology and the software, and you’ll be fully in the loop on how to successfully use Rhythm. Please email me at if you’d like to get started!

In addition to our certification program, clients can always click the ? icon in Rhythm to visit Rhythm University -- a rich reference and resource at your disposal. If you prefer live training, you can also attend our monthly Lunch & Learns for clients to hear more about specific features and have questions answered by our Head of Products.

And remember, you’ll never know what you’re missing until you learn what you’ve been missing ;)

Learn more about the Rhythm Methodology by taking the FREE Rhythm Fan Certification course

Photo Credit: iStock by Getty Images