Edit KPIs, Annual Priorities, Quarter Priorities or Winning Moves

Edit Goal name, dates, tasks and other attributes in Rhythm with this API.

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Method Details

HTTP Method: PUT

URL: https://api.rhythm.cloud/api/public/goal/{id}

Content Type: application/json

Response Format: json

Requires Authentication? Yes

HTTP header: Bearer {oauth token}

Request Body

JSON Object, containing the following fields (strings should be double quoted, numbers and boolean not):

Note: if a field is omitted, the existing value in Rhythm will not be updated. If you’d like to update an existing field to null, then a JSON Null value should be explicitly specified

id: ID of the KPI, Quarter Priority, Annual Priority, or Winning Move that the update is for. *This is required. You can find the Goal ID by clicking on the “More Actions” button on the Goal and choosing “Show ID for API” or by downloading the Goal List report.

name: Name or title of the KPI, Quarter Priority, Annual Priority or Winning Move

teamGoal: true | false

teamName: Team name in Rhythm for team goals (Required if changing teamGoal from false to true)

ownerUsername: Rhythm Username (usually work email address) for the owner of the new goal

rank: number 

startDate: yyyy-MM-dd

endDate: yyyy-MM-dd

description: Additional description or information about the goal

completed: true | false

Note: You cannot convert to a new Goal type via this API.


criteria: JSON Object

criteriaType: “annual” | “quarter” (If you do not specify, the Goal will be created with the default criteria for the Goal type - Quarter Priorities and KPIs will be quarter criteria, and Annual Priorities and Winning Moves will be annual. If you do specify a type, you must provide the Year for Annual criteria and the Year and Quarter for Quarter criteria)

year: yyyy (number) *required if criteriaType is annual or quarter

quarterNo: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 (number) *required if criteriaType is quarter

red: the Red Success Criteria for the goal

yellow:  the Yellow Success Criteria for the goal

green:  the Green Success Criteria for the goal

supergreen:  the SuperGreen Success Criteria for the goal


tasks: JSON Object with the following fields 

For creating new tasks on the goal:

name: name or title of the new task related to the new goal *This is required

For updating existing tasks on the goal:

id: ID of the Task that the update is for. *This is required. You can find the Task ID by clicking on the “More Actions” button on the Goal and choosing “Show ID for API”

name: name of the Task 

Note: You can use the Create Task documentation for details on other fields that can be added or updated via API on a new task.


If all items in the request were processed successfully, you will receive a http code 200 (OK), with a JSON of {"success":true} in the response body.

If the access token has expired, you will receive a http code 401 (unauthorized).

If some items in the request processed successfully, and some failed, you will receive a http code 202 (Accepted). If all items in the request failed, the API call will result in a http code 400 (bad request). In both these instances, the response body will contain a JSON array, where each JSON Object contains additional information about the failed item, the following format:


"error": "error code used by Rhythm Systems for further trouble shooting",

"error_description": "description of the error encountered in the API call",

"data": "{the data received by Rhythm in your API call}"



"error": "error code used by Rhythm Systems for further trouble shooting",

"error_description": "description of the error encountered in the API call",

"data": "{the data received by Rhythm in your API call}"


Request Body Sample


  "id" : "21ceb947-0b5b-4822-b8b5-32067c1befbd",

  "name" : "Edited name of goal",

  "ownerUsername" : "jessica@rhythmsystems.com",

  "completed" : true,

  "teamGoal" : true,

  "teamName" : "Product",

  "tasks" : [

     {"name" : "new task on this goal"},

     {"id" : "bc9e0d1c-2480-4204-837a-cfc45fcba410", 

      "name" : "EDITED task"}]
