We are so thrilled to be gathering our Rhythm Community in person in our home headquarters of Charlotte, NC, this May for our annual Rhythm Systems Breakthrough Conference. We look forward to this event every year, but this year will be special. It's going to be the first time we gather in person since 2019, and we cannot wait to see our clients, partners, friends, speakers, and guests for two days of learning, connecting, and growing.
We are so fortunate to have the opportunity to give back to the wider community as part of this special event. The events of the last few years and months have driven home the importance of our core values - particularly Be Appreciative and Go the Second Mile. When I reflect on how grateful I am for the basics that were so easy to take for granted before - being healthy and safe - I am motivated to go that extra mile for others who are in need. This is one reason I am so honored to be partnering with Samaritan's Feet again this year to give our event attendees the opportunity to "Shoot for Shoes."

If you aren't familiar with Samaritan's Feet, they work tirelessly to provide shoes and hope to millions of people around the world. Without shoes, our neighbors here and around the world are vulnerable to preventable foot-borne illnesses, and children are deprived of opportunities to go to school or play sports. They are also currently sending thousands of pairs of athletic shoes, work boots, rain boots, and socks to people crossing the border from Ukraine into Poland. Check out the work our Rhythm team and client community have done with Samaritan's Feet in the past, read more about this amazing organization's mission, or support them directly by making a donation here. A $25 donation provides a new pair of shoes and a potentially life-changing gift of hope to a person in need.
We hope you'll consider joining us in Charlotte on May 4-5, 2022 for our Breakthrough Conference! We'd love to see you there and have some fun shooting hoops for a great cause together!