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Don't let your company be at a standstill.

Build out a winning future with an expert business strategy coach.

Break out of your assumptions, identify gaps while strengthening your strategy with the help of skilled business coaches who guide your business to where you want it to be.


Your teams need a strong strategy to accomplish the goals you are dreaming of.

You're the CEO. You're supposed to have all the answers. 
But the truth is: Nobody does.

You've grown your business, achieved milestones and built a team of talented, passionate people. But now, you're hitting a wall.

You know it's your responsibility to build the strategy that propels the business ahead and motivate your team to achieve it.

But you are feeling stuck and out of your depth. You are not sure what the next right moves are. You. Need. Help.

You want to take your business to the next level. But you're not sure what next level means.

  • Your business has grown but so has the complexity. Building the right strategy is complicated and you don't know if you're making the right decisions.
  • You have a fierce desire to learn and grow, but you don't know who to turn to for reliable advice that actually helps your business make leaps.
  • You're saying yes to everything that comes your way, and wasting time on low-value projects.
  • You have grand ideas that you cannot convert into actionable, achievable plans.
  • You're struggling with hiring, fire-fighting and keeping your business ahead of the curve.
  • You're in a rut and need more personal accountability.

All of these symptoms have one single cure.

An experienced business strategy coach who can help you become a better leader and set a clear path for your future.

Someone who has walked in your shoes and understands the complexities that you’re dealing with.

Break the ceiling on your growth.

Take control of your business with Rhythm's expert strategy coaches & proven processes.

Let top business strategy coaches help you build and execute an effective long-term strategy, and boost your company's success with Rhythm's coaching program.

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Here's what to expect (and what not to):

Our coaches are not market strategists. They're not advertising geniuses or finance gurus. They don't generate leads or design the perfect customer experience. They don't make the decisions for you.

Our coaches are experts at one single thing: Making sure you're ready to tackle your own business.

  • Help you determine rock-solid strategies to achieve the goals you actually want for your business
  • Ensure your quarterly, annual and 3-5 year plans are actionable and aligned to put your strategy in motion
  • Act as your personal sounding board and as a source of impactful feedback
  • Give you the tools you need to communicate your plans to your teams
  • Discuss the challenges, issues and opportunities you’re facing
  • Help you define your role as the CEO and simplify the organizational structure
  • Equip you with the skills to execute your strategy
  • Discover your core customer and the value you provide to them
  • Help you clarify your thoughts and guide you to the answers that benefit your business most
  • Help you discover what differentiates you from your competitors and build out a brand promise
  • Provide you with a meeting structure that gets things done without wasting time
  • Give you space to think out your plans and help you make tough business decisions
  • Show you how to prioritize your work and hold you accountable to your deadlines
  • Share rich insights and experiences to aid your own decision-making

Reach the top and stay there with the support of the best business coaches in the industry.

You don't need generic advice. You need objective, unbiased feedback and guidance that helps you become the leader your company needs, right now.

And that's exactly what our business strategy coaching program provides.

Whatever you're struggling with, Rhythm's coaches have experienced it first-hand or helped clients who have. We've invested years into perfecting our processes and helping companies across all industries—and know exactly what you need to get out of a rut.

We've got the credentials. We've got the systems. We've got the experience. All your business needs for a major transformation is your dedication to your next milestone.

Are you ready for your biggest breakthrough yet?

Contact Us to Learn More

Reignite your passion for business with a powerful coaching program tailored for you.


Clear the path to the new playing field with a business coach that understands your business inside and out and identifies your blind spots before they hurt you.

Build the right foundation in your company to support your growth initiatives with weekly, bi-weekly, or monthly coaching calls, whatever works best for you.

Have someone to reach out to when emergencies arise or doubts creep in.

Get access to Rhythm software to document your strategy, clarify priorities and expectations, and track progress along the way.

Get access to our complete library of resources on educational topics, step-by-step tools, facilitation guides and self-directed online learning programs.

Contact Us to Learn More

You're wondering...

What if it doesn't work out?

Every single client of ours has found working with our business coaches to be tremendously beneficial. Our business coaches have helped them hone and execute strategies, improve team performance, and achieve things they couldn't have done on their own. 

All you have to do is give it your all and trust the process. We guarantee 100% satisfaction.

What does it cost?

Get on a call and learn more about our packages, coaches and payment terms!

Is there a standard process all Rhythm coaches follow?

We have a tried and tested framework to get your business where it needs to be, that begins with with assessing your strategy.

We'll customize the process to focus on your pain points and help your business where it hurts the most, to ensure you're ready to usher in the next phase of growth!

What if my coach and I don't have the right chemistry?

Having the right chemistry with your coach is important to us. At Rhythm Systems, we have a village of coaches. You'll have access to the wisdom of our whole team and we'll make sure you are paired up with the right coach for you.

"Having a Rhythm Coach gives me the discipline, accountability, and process I need to look at the big picture and work on the business as I should. There are a million ways to do it wrong, one way to do it right, and I think Rhythm's found the right way."

— Randy Carr, CEO, World Emblem


40% revenue growth

World Emblem is the #1 emblem manufacturer in North and South America with over 800 employees and 8 locations around the world.


Here's the thing:

Business coaching is intense, and seasoned coaches are hard to come by.

We're extremely selective about who is on our coaching team because we value the impact they can bring to your organization.

But this also means that the spots for our business coaching program are limited. Our coaches' rosters stay full but we make room for a few new clients each year.

Our firm has been coaching businesses to success for over 14 years, and we know that our coaches can tremendously benefit your business—boosting revenue, fostering teamwork and revolutionizing the way you lead the company.

You can book a call right now to explore growing your business with our coaches. We’ll discuss your obstacles, needs and find out if you're a good fit for us and we are a good fit for you.

It's lonely at the top. We're good company.

Stop letting decision-making and strategy-building paralyze you. Craft a bright future for your business and turn it to reality with Rhythm's business coaching program!

Book your personalized demo

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