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A Better Way to Manage Team Performance

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Published February 13, 2020


Photo Credit: iStock by Getty Images

Picture of Jessica Wishart

Jessica Wishart
Senior Product Manager at Rhythm Systems

For many team leaders, it can be hard to keep a pulse on what’s happening in your team, especially if A Better Way to Manage Team Performanceyour company has remote workers or offers flexible schedules so the whole team isn’t always in the office together every day. And, as Gallup’s research on millennials and women in the workplace reveal, the needs of your team members are changing as well. As a manager, you now need to be able to give feedback more frequently, not just in annual reviews, and provide more opportunities for development and collaboration. 

With these challenges and opportunities in mind, we’ve designed some tools specifically for team leaders in the Rhythm software. We wanted to give team leaders a better way to manage team performance with quick, visual dashboards that let you see how the work is going on your team, a fast way to know who may be overloaded and needs help, and a better way to have effective, collaborative meetings with your team.  

3 Rhythm Tools to Improve Team Performance Management:

  • Team Performance Dashboard - We’ve given team leaders a very high-level view of how the work is going for your team this quarter. At a quick glance, you can see how many Actions are overdue or completed and how many KPIs and Priorities are statused Red, Yellow, or Green for the quarter. You can click to drill into the details for each item if you need to, or you can use this high-level view to keep a pulse on the health of your team’s most important projects. You’ve also got a view that’s broken down by person; you can use this to quickly see who on the team may be overloaded with too many KPIs and Priorities, who has Priorities and KPIs that are Red or Yellow and may need help, and who deserves some recognition for SuperGreen performance.
  • Actions By Person - As a leader, you need an easy way to help balance your team’s workload. This is the perfect screen for you - you can click on any week in the quarter to see what’s on each team member’s plate for that week. You’ll see all the Actions and even how many hours of work each person has scheduled. You can avoid burnout by helping to balance the workload among team members, and this is also an easy way to see what’s on someone’s plate if they have to be out for any reason. You can reassign critical Actions to other team members and move dates out for anything that isn’t urgent. As the leader, you can set your team up for success with just a few clicks to manage the team’s workload for the week.
  • Meetings This Quarter - Ensure that you are having the most productive weekly team meetings possible. This is your chance to provide weekly feedback and work collaboratively with your team to solve problems and stay on track to achieving your team’s most important priorities for the quarter. Using the Meetings this Quarter tool in Rhythm, you can work together to build the right agenda each week, comment back and forth with your team, manage Actions that may come out of the meeting, brainstorm together to get unstuck, and use Attachments to stay organized so you don’t have to go searching for the files and links you need to have the right discussions.

Hopefully, these new tools will help make managing your team’s performance easier so you can spend more time having the right discussions and focusing on the right things to reach your team’s goals and develop your team members.

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Photo Credit: iStock by Getty Images