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Rhythm 2.0 - Think About Your Brand Promise

4 min read

Photo Credit: iStock by Getty Images

Published October 02, 2013

Photo Credit: iStock by Getty Images

Picture of Ryan Walcott

Ryan Walcott
a Rhythm Consultant

What sets you apart from your competitors?  What is it about you that makes you different in the marketplace that your customers value?  Having the right Brand Promise will help you win more of the RIGHT customers and keep the ones you love by helping you focus on HOW you sell your WHAT to your WHO.  Bob Bloom writes about this process in his book The Inside Advantage which we highly recommend you read to help you best determine your Brand Promise.

Our Rhythm 2.0 Brand Promise screens were crafted to help you work through the right questions to determine the right Brand Promise for your company that will help you grow your revenue and keep the customers you love.

Rhythm 2 0 Brand Promise Screen Shot

The screens are organized to guide you through the process of thinking needed to determine the right Brand Promise for your business.  The process starts with understand WHO your Core Customer is.  It may take you several iterations and much collaboration with your team to get this answer right, and it is useful to use the collaborative features of Rhythm (i.e. comments & attachments) to think on this with your team.

Once you understand WHO your Core Customer is, then work to identify their Needs.  Needs are the things they must have, not their wants.  As Verne Harnish says, your customers can literally “want” you to death if you are not careful.

Once you understand your WHO, you are now ready to think about your WHAT.  Your WHAT is your Brand Promise.  What is your unique or uncommon offering to your WHO?  How are you different in a way that customers value?  Again, this will take several iterations of work with your team to get this answer right.  Strategic thinking is a journey and you will rarely get the right answers in any one planning event.

The third element of an effective Brand Promise is your HOW.   How becomes your persuasive strategy that will convince the Core Customer to buy your WHAT vs. all competitive offerings. HOW sells your WHAT to your WHO.  You can record your HOW in Rhythm in a special area labeled Key Activities.  Here you can document the top ways you will deliver on your Brand Promise in a way that sets you apart from your competition.  Then think on and record how you will measure your success in executing on these Key Activities so that you can know whether or not you are delivering on your Brand Promise.

Continue to test and refine these points with your team during planning sessions and by using the comments and attachments features of Rhythm.

You will know you have a good Brand Promise when:

•It helps you attract and keep your Core Customer.

•It is easier to generate revenue.

•It makes you special & different from your competition.

Ok, so you’ve figured out your Brand Promise.  Now what?  Go tell it to the world and deliver on it.  Use Rhythm to set up KPIs and Priorities that Focus and Align your team to consistently deliver your Brand Promise in a way that attracts new customers and delights the ones you love.  Discuss those priorities and KPIs at your weekly meetings.  When you struggle to deliver on your promise, discuss what adjustments you need to make in your execution in order to get back on track to success.

Next time I will show you how to use Rhythm 2.0 to collaborate with your team to determine your Brand Promise Guarantee that will help you turbo-charge your Brand Promise results.

Helping you grow,


Rhythm Systems Brand Promise Tool


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