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Our New Rhythm Features Help You Build High Performance Teams (Part 2)

4 min read

Photo Credit: iStock by Getty Images

Published November 27, 2015

Photo Credit: iStock by Getty Images

Picture of Ryan Walcott

Ryan Walcott
a Rhythm Consultant

In my last post I talked about the employee engagement problem and proposed an ownership mindset and the use of JobJobScorecardSummary.png Scorecards to solve it. That gets you out of the stage of dependence on your boss to a place where you can perform without needing to be told what to do everyday.

Now that you've been freed-up from all that complaining about how bad life is, you can direct all that negative energy towards something positive. You can now learn and grow and achieve success in your job. You own it. You know what's expected and you can achieve it. It doesn't come easy, though. Consistent high performance takes discipline and the right tools. That's why we built performance dashboards into our Rhythm software platform. It is essential to understand what success is on each of your goals and then to track your work to achieve that success every day. You can do this with our Rhythm software so that you will know daily how well you are performing to expectations.  

If things are going well and according to plan, then stay the course. Our Rhythm clients would status items like this Green. If you see trouble on the horizon, the make the adjustments you need to your plan to avoid being blindsided and achieve success. Our Rhythm clients would status items like this Yellow or Red. I love the quote from Mike Tyson that "everyone has a strategy till I punch em' in the mouth." That is so true. Even your best plans will not survive the battle field of daily life. Adjustments are always needed to achieve success.

With Rhythm you can see how well you plan and work to achieve your plan daily, weekly, monthly, quarterly, and annually. Our new Job Scorecard feature provides you with a performance snapshot that you can use to understand your struggles and strengths. You can use this information to formulate a growth path of progress for your own skills and development which you can discuss with your leadership and trusted peers to gain their insights and help to achieve success. Maintain this discipline and feel the bliss of independence and accomplishment. You have become the Captain of your own ship.

You are achieving more than you thought you ever could in that past "my job sucks!" life. You are now feeling like, "I'm great!" You think of yourself and are known by others to be an "A" Player. So now what? Is this all there is? No. If you stop here you will eventually discover that something is missing. You will eventually understand that achieving personal greatness isn't enough. This also isn't the end of the journey. There is more.

I'll write about that in my next blog...

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