Our first-ever virtual Breakthrough Conference is just a few weeks away! Here's a sneak peek so you know what to expect from this can’t-miss event.
Here are some things you’ve come to expect from our in-person events that aren’t going away in the new format:
- Top-Notch Speakers. We are so excited to have keynotes from three fantastic speakers and breakouts delivered by our own amazing team of consultants. Patrick Thean, our CEO, is back to share his key insights on the enormous cost of misalignment and how it derails companies, especially in our current environment. Best-selling author and top strategy and innovation expert Kaihan Krippendorff is joining us to share how leaders can work with their teams to unlock bold strategies. Finally, Manny Ohonme, Founder of Samaritan’s Feet, will share the impact of a strong purpose—not just on your organization but on the world.
- Insights to Ignite Growth. Our theme for this conference is bold strategies to ignite growth, and there’s something for you whether your company is still in survival mode or has shifted to recover and thrive mode. You’ll gain growth insights on everything from annual planning in uncertain times, sales strategies, cross-functional alignment for remote teams, and employee health and productivity.
- Peer-to-Peer Learning. We’ve got an amazing line up of mid-market leaders to share their stories. You’ll hear from your peers on topics like the future of the office, leading innovation inside and outside your firm, and shifting company culture to encourage accountability. You’ll also have opportunities to learn from each other in our interactive breakout discussion sessions.
- Connect with our Community. We’re planning some intimate sessions for you to connect with us as well as with each other during the conference. We’ve also got some networking time planned to unwind together at the end of the afternoon. We always look forward to and value spending time with our amazing Rhythm community, and that won’t change with our new format this year.
- Give Back. As we have in the past, we’ve partnered with Samaritan’s Feet for the event. Since we can’t execute our usual fun basketball toss game during breaks, we’ve shifted to supporting them with donations from our conference registration. The event is completely free, but we encourage you to donate as you sign up to attend; your $25 donation provides a child in need with a pair of shoes and a COVID health kit. Plus, our CEO Patrick Thean has generously agreed to match donations up to $15,000.
Here’s what’s new for the virtual event:
- We’ll be using Zoom meetings to connect and our conference app to help you stay organized with your schedule + links and give feedback throughout the event. Don’t worry - you won’t need your phone to access the benefits of the app; you can use it right on your desktop computer.
- We are taking advantage of the new platform to show you all the newest features we are planning for Rhythm V5. We can’t wait to share the amazing work our product team is doing to bring you the best strategy execution platform in the world.
- We’re bringing you a new format in our breakout sessions, too. We are offering two “brain trust” sessions that will allow Sales and Talent leaders to learn and share top insights from each other. You’re all experiencing unique challenges and have a lot to learn from each other, so we are giving you an opportunity to benefit from each others’ expertise.
We hope you’ll be attending with your team, and we hope you come ready to engage and share insights with each other. We’re all in this period of uncertainty and change together, and we can’t wait to take a half-day out of the hustle and bustle to sit back, learn from each other, think strategically, and connect with our community. See you on October 14th!
Here are resources on 3 Year Strategic Planning:
Value of Outside Facilitation for Quarterly and Annual Planning
The Anatomy of a Great Quarterly Plan (Infographic)
Lean Quarterly Planning: How Complex Companies Drive Out Waste
10 Tips for a Successful Quarterly Planning Session (Video)
How to Choose the Right Priorities During Your Quarterly Planning Session
Tips to Help You Prepare to Facilitate Your Next One-Day Quarterly Planning Session
How Much Time Should I Allocate for My Quarterly Planning Session?
The Definitive Guide to Quarterly Planning
Rhythm Systems Quarterly Planning Resource Center