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How to Write Goals for Work in 2024: Writing Goals 101 with Examples

9 min read
How to write effective goal

Photo Credit: iStock by Getty Images

Published June 25, 2024

How to write effective goal

Photo Credit: iStock by Getty Images

Picture of Jessica Wishart

Jessica Wishart
Senior Product Manager at Rhythm Systems

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how to write goals for work

Writing goals for work using SMART goal setting is an essential skill for both personal goals and professional success. If you aren't writing goals for yourself, you're likely not making progress. Research by the University of Scranton found that 92% of people who set New Year's resolutions never achieve them! Writing goals is easy with our AI Powered Rhythm SMART AI Goal Writing Coach,  but achieving them can be challenging.

Sadly, professional goal achievement doesn't fare much better; 67% of great strategies fail due to poor execution. Writing an effective goal will increase your chances of successfully achieving that goal or quarterly rock. Fortunately, goal-setting is a skill that you can learn and improve. Setting goals and priorities is essential to running a great company and proper professional development, so it is worth the time and effort to improve this skill and write effective performance goals.

Writing Goals: Goal Setting 101

How to Write Goals Goal Setting 101


How to Write Business Goals

Use Rhythm Systems AI Goal Writing Coach

Rhythm SMART AI Goal Coach is an incredibly powerful tool for achieving personal and professional goals. Whether you’re starting a new business, searching for a new job, or simply looking to improve yourself, the goal coach provides guidance and resources to help you reach your goals. It starts by gathering information about your current status and then establishes short-term, executable objectives broken down into manageable steps. The goal coach also ensures that each step has a specific deadline so that users can keep on track toward their target goal. Finally, the goal coach offers personalized advice and feedback to help users stay motivated and constantly evaluate their progress while considering potential pitfalls they may encounter. With its helpful features, Rhythm SMART AI Goal Coach is a great way to ensure that your efforts are channeled in the right direction so you can enjoy the rewards of achieving success.

Make Goals Actionable

Use a verb when writing your goal. Goal setting must be clear and specific about what you will do. Anyone should be able to read your goal and understand precisely what you'll be doing. For example, we see goals that say, "Tradeshow." You can increase the likelihood of successfully setting and achieving your key result by making it more specific: "Get the contact information for 20 leads from the demo booth at the Trade Show." Specific goals make it straightforward for all involved parties and leave no room for interpretation.  

Assign an Accountable Goal Owner

Many people may contribute work to your priority or goal, but there should only be one owner-one person who is accountable for the priority's success. Without one clear owner, the goal may slip off your radar screen; you need someone driving it, coordinating all the moving parts, keeping the momentum going, and ensuring the work gets done. This is often overlooked in goal-setting, yet it is one of the most important.

Establish Goal Timing

When setting priorities, always include a start and end date and be realistic about what you can accomplish in a given time frame. Time-bound goals are essential, especially if others depend on you completing this goal and creating a sense of urgency.

Clearly Define Business Goal Success Criteria

Determine clear success criteria for your priority so you know what it looks like to achieve the goal. If your goal is a business one, ensure your expectations of success are aligned with everyone on the team. Everyone needs to agree on when we reach the goal to ensure that we are achieving success. We use a simple Red-Yellow-Green method to set clear success criteria :

    1. Red = Failure or unacceptable performance on the priority
    2. Yellow = Between Red and Green
    3. Green = Successful completion of the goal
    4. SuperGreen = Stretch goal

Connect the Goal to the Why

Understanding how this goal fits into the big picture is essential and will help you stay motivated. Link this priority to your longer-term strategy or connect it to your larger goals in some clear way to increase the likelihood that you will complete it.

Break Goal Writing Down into Milestone Actions.

What are the top 2-3 tasks you must accomplish to achieve the goal? When will you need to do them to hit your due date? Who will be involved in helping? Establishing a clear action plan will help you accomplish your goal. These action steps will help you manage time and carve out the time and effort needed to achieve your goal.

Once your goal is written, the real work begins. You have to execute to achieve it. If you've followed the steps above, you've set yourself up for success by thinking and planning effectively against the actionable goal. This will help you maximize your chances of success now that you're ready to move into doing the work and is an integral part of any plan.

If you are a manager, please read the manager's guide to goal setting or implementing OKRs in your organization for additional information.

Download Rhythm for OKRs: Simplify Your OKR Process

What Makes a SMART Goal?

When writing goals, follow the SMART goal framework as part of your writing process for each specific goal.

S= Specific: The objective is crystal clear
M = Measurable: It must be a measurable goal; otherwise, there can be confusion on whether the key result was accomplished
A = Attainable Goal
R = Realistic Goal
T = Time Bound (or timely)

Writing Goal Examples:

  • Keep it visible. Put it on a dashboard where others can see it and help you remain accountable to your stated goal and track your progress.
  • Status it weekly. How are you doing based on the success criteria you set out for yourself? Does this help to move the business plan forward?
  • Make adjustments as needed. If you can see that you aren't on track to hit the goal by the deadline, what else can you do to move forward? Do you need to enlist some help? Do you need to move your milestones around? Do you need to say no to some other things so you can focus more on your goal? It is okay to write a lofty goal, but make sure it is also attainable - yes, it is a fine line sometimes.
  • Include long-term goals. Remember to remember the end and plot out your long-term project goals. Too often, we focus on the immediate and urgent at the expense of longer-term success. Make sure you plan to work towards the longer-term goals, not just the short-term ones, with a clear action step outline.

How to Write Goals for Work Video:


What is SMART goal setting?

Writing work goals using SMART goal setting is an essential skill for both personal and professional success. Writing goals down and tracking them on a weekly basis is also essential for achieving success.

What are the benefits of goal setting?

Writing a practical goal will increase your chances of successfully achieving that goal or quarterly rock. It allows complete communication and trust between employees and managers with clearly defined outcomes, deadlines, and definitions of success.

How do I keep track of my progress?

Put it on a dashboard where others can see it, which will help you remain accountable to your stated goal and track your progress.  Rhythm Systems' strategic planning software can do this for you.

What if I use OKR Goals?

That is no problem; we can handle those too. Objectives and Key Results have been around for a long time, and we fully support them and have great ways to implement OKRs in your organization. We have a whole post dedicated to Mastering OKRs: How Artificial Intelligence Can Help You Set and Achieve Better Objectives and Key Results that will provide all that you need to know.  

Ready to join that elite 8 % of people who successfully hit their goals? Good luck, and please share any tips that help you write more effective goals. The journey to writing a brief description of how you plan to achieve your priority or what success looks like starts with a single word. Write SMART goals to get the most out of yourself and your team. If you need any help, you can count on the goal gurus at Rhythm Systems to help.

Ted Skinner

Ted Skinner is an expert in setting and achieving goals, known for his practical strategies and actionable insights. His methods focus on clarity, alignment, and measurability to drive success in both personal and professional contexts.

Photo Credit: iStock by Getty Images