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How to NOT Treat Your Customers

3 min read
how to not treat your customers

Photo Credit: iStock by Getty Images

Published November 06, 2020

how to not treat your customers

Photo Credit: iStock by Getty Images

Picture of Patrick Thean

Patrick Thean
our Rhythm ninja

Apple just released the iPhone 12. It comes in various sizes, finishes and configurations as it enters how to not treat your customersthe world of 5G. Of course I want one. I want one badly. I am such a sucker for innovative technology. I've also successfully convinced my wife that it is part of my job to use the latest technologies so that I can share my thoughts with clients. Yup, it's part of my job—and I love it.

So Apple releases their new iPhone, and the wireless carriers are scrambling and making plays to attract new customers. But while they focus on attracting new customers, they forget to take care of existing customers. The carriers treat new prospects better than they treat long time customers. OK, so I am sure you are a customer of a wireless carrier. How do you feel about what I just shared? Don't you feel taken for granted when you are treated worse than a prospect?

I switched. As a new customer, I get the new phone rebate and the switching bonus. That's a great idea to get new customers. But what about a staying bonus to keep existing customers? Or a loyalty bonus to reward customers for staying with you longer? With most wireless carriers customers feel like they need to take their business elsewhere to get a good deal. No matter the products or services that you provide, make sure your customers feel like they are the most important.

Here are 2 simple lessons:

  1. Create a Switch Bonus to lure customers away from competitors as this is a good time for the prospect to change carriers while they upgrade their phone to the new 5G network. (Do what they did.)
  2. Create a Stay Bonus to reward your existing customers who you’ve worked so hard to get and retain with excellent customer service. (Do what they did not do.)

Most of all, don't do what the wireless carriers are doing. Actions speak louder than words. By their actions, they are telling their own customers that they are not as important as new prospects. Customers are hard to win and are precious, so you should treat them as such. Don't treat prospects better than customers.

Go the second mile for your customers and make them feel like they are your top priority, which is one of our core values. Create your core values implementation plan to better serve your primary customer. When the customer makes phone calls, make sure they call you first—not your competition. Empower your team to do what it takes to keep your customers while you continue to earn business from your competitors.

Patrick Thean


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