Managing Multiple Companies in Rhythm

Save time with a quick view of your companies' dashboards and easy navigation to more information.

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Why Use the Multi-Company View

Rhythm's Multi-Company View was built for coaches, consultants, PE firms, or portfolio managers working with several companies. We've designed one simple screen for you to see at a glance how each company is doing on its most important goals.

How it Works

When you log in to Rhythm, you'll see the option to either choose a specific company to access or to go to the Multi-Company View:

If you choose Multi-Company View, you'll see each company you coach in a Dashboard card:

  1. If the company added goals to its Company Quarter Plan Dashboard, you'll see those goals.
  2. If the company has not added goals to the Company Quarter Plan Dashboard, you'll see their Company Team Quarter Priorities.
  3. If the company has not added Company Team Quarter Priorities, you'll see a blank dashboard, so you'll know you need to follow up with this company.

You can hover any goals to see the name or click on the goal to access the Goal Detail screen. You can also click anywhere on the Company Dashboard card to access the Company's account in Rhythm.

If you navigate to another company, you can return to the Multi-Company View by clicking your photo or initials in the top right corner of the screen:

Note: You will only see companies listed in the Multi-Company view if you are marked as a Coach for that company. Please email us at if you need Coach access to a company that you don't see in your list.

Other Game-Changing Features for Coaches

In addition to this simple overview to give visibility into how all of your clients are doing on their quarterly goals, Rhythm also enables coaches to expand their bandwidth with other powerful tools:

  • A simple Growth Plan visual to effectively tell the story of the client's strategy
  • A powerful Planning Canvas to brainstorm a flexible, achievable execution path for the year
  • Automated Plan Tests to stress-test the quarterly plan and ensure there are no gaps 
  • Planning Meetings to organize and share session agendas, files, and follow-up tasks
  • 1:1 Meetings to help coaches keep track of conversations and never miss a deliverable or opportunity to hold the client accountable
  • Flexibility to ensure the software supports the coaches' preferred labels, methods, and tools