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HR Process Improvement Examples

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Published February 01, 2021

Photo Credit: iStock by Getty Images

Picture of Melissa Perna

Melissa Perna
sa is the Financial Controller at Rhythm Systems

Over the last year, Rhythm Systems team members have really focused on the importance of process HR-Process-Improvement.jpgimprovements. How do we do our jobs better, become more efficient, and even save money in the long run? As any company grows, time is a key factor in everyone’s busy schedule. It is best to setup HR processes that are scalable.

I recently had a breakthrough with HR paperwork I wanted to share with you. As a relatively small company, most of our employees are remote. We hire the right person regardless of where he or she lives. Therefore, that pesky HR paperwork can sometimes get in the way, especially when team members are first hired. All the payroll forms, benefit forms, etc. are time-consuming, and no one wants to print them, fill them out, scan them and then email them back. This old process was not only time-consuming but also not very secure with their personal information all over those forms. To streamline this process, I implemented Zenefits, an online HR tool that houses all of our employee data and allows the employees to be in charge of their HR “forms” online. They can change federal withholdings, update their home address or review benefits information at any time of the day that works best for them. They do not need to send an email to HR and wait for it to be done for them. The employees are now in control. Their information is then sent to our payroll processing company and benefits providers eliminating the middle-man. Benefits enrollment via Zenefits was the first victory I had with this HR process improvement. Employees found the online enrollment easy to use, clearly defined and easier to enroll than in the past.

My most recent victory with implementing Zenefits came with our newest hire. For the first time in our history, there were absolutely NO forms to fill out for the new employee. When I sent my welcome email to her, I sent her a link to her Zenefits profile for her to complete. Then, when it was my turn for my Great First Day meeting with her, I got to spend time with her answering her questions and getting to know her instead of reviewing forms. This new process saves me a ton of time since I don’t need to re-enter everything she just filled out on the forms and fax or email information to the providers. The information is touched by the employee - one time; it is accurate and secure and passes to the appropriate vendor. Win-Win here for all and my Victory for the Week!

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