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UBA Breakout Session - Make the Right Adjustments in Your Weekly Meeting to Win

1 min read

Photo Credit: iStock by Getty Images

Published May 22, 2012

Photo Credit: iStock by Getty Images

Picture of Patrick Thean

Patrick Thean
our Rhythm ninja

After my keynote session yesterday in Chicago at UBA's (United Benefit Advisors) 2012 Spring Meeting, we brand promisecontinued into a breakout session, where we examined 3 things (click here for slides):
  • Your Brand Promise Guarantee
  • How to use Leading Indicators to help you make critical adjustments
  • How to use a dashboard in your Weekly Meeting to prompt the discussions that lead to making critical adjustments

Your next steps are to:
  • Work on 1 or 2 leading indicators to help you execute strongly for the quarter (13 week race)
  • Develop your dashboard to use in your Weekly Meeting using the 13 Week Dashboard tool
  • Change up your Weekly Meeting.  Status before the weekly meeting and spend 80% of your time discussing solutions instead of status.
Thank you for coming to the breakout session!
Rhythm Systems KPI Creator Tool (Key Performance Indicators)