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Harnessing Accountability and Efficiency with Rhythm Systems: The Arbill Case Study

3 min read

Photo Credit: iStock by Getty Images

Published July 24, 2023

Photo Credit: iStock by Getty Images

Picture of Ted Skinner

Ted Skinner
a Rhythm Consultant

Company Profile: Arbill, an ISO-certified organization, is a leader in the safety industry, committed to keeping workplaces safe across America.


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The Challenge: Before integrating Rhythm Systems, Arbill faced a significant obstacle: an over-reliance on monthly financials to steer the organization. The company's decisions were primarily based on profit and loss, balance sheets, and cash flow statements. However, these financial metrics should have encapsulated the holistic performance and health of the company.

A significant consequence of this approach was the emergence of silos across the organization and a culture of judgment and blame when things didn't go exactly as planned. This reactive approach also meant critical issues must be identified and addressed promptly, causing delays and inefficiencies.

The Solution: Arbill adopted the Rhythm System as a strategic solution to its challenges. The platform injected a rhythm of accountability and communication into Arbill’s weekly operations, encouraging better inter-departmental alignment.

Rhythm shifted the company's focus from solely financial metrics to including Key Performance Indicators (KPIs). The platform's real-time insights enabled the company to respond swiftly to issues, such as sudden increases in customer service volumes, allowing them to reallocate resources promptly and efficiently.

The Impact: The introduction of Rhythm Systems brought about significant changes in Arbill's company culture. Where once red flags in performance were met with judgment and blame, they are now perceived as opportunities for learning and improvement. The platform provided a fact-based approach to performance review, eliminating judgment and promoting a culture of shared responsibility and knowledge.

Rhythm Systems played a crucial role in aligning Arbill's KPIs with its ISO certification by bucketing their KPIs into four categories - revenue, employees, customers, and processes - providing a balanced focus across the organization.

Employee Empowerment and Performance Reviews: One of Rhythm's standout contributions has been enhancing communication about employees' career paths and performance. The platform is used for quarterly performance reviews, creating a transparent dialogue between management and employees. By setting clear and fair KPIs, employees better understand their goals, leading to greater empowerment and reduced micromanagement.

Remote Working and Organizational Overview: Rhythm Systems has also facilitated practical remote work, allowing management to gain insights into each department's performance anytime and from anywhere. This comprehensive visibility has been instrumental in facilitating strategic planning and decision-making processes.

The Verdict: For Arbill, Rhythm Systems was the silver bullet that has proven to be more than just a management tool; it has catalyzed cultural change, operational efficiency, and employee empowerment. Without Rhythm Systems, Arbill would have to seek an alternative means that offers the same level of transparency, employee management, and efficiency. As a CEO, having a tool that streamlines management, promotes proactive problem-solving, and aligns the entire organization is beneficial and indispensable.

Thanks to the village of executive coaches at Rhythm Systems that have worked with Julie and her fantastic team at Arbill to make the lives of thousands Safer. Every day.  

Ted Skinner


Here are additional resources

5 Best Practices to Manage Remote Employees

Strategic Planning Tips: 17 Tips to Create a Winning Strategic Plan

How to Engage Remote Employees

How to Use Daily Huddles to Stay Aligned with Remote Teams

5 Steps to Having a Productive Virtual Monthly Meeting

Big Hairy Audacious Goals: Classic BHAG Examples (Relevant in 2021)

The Anatomy of a Great Quarterly Plan (Infographic)

Rhythm Systems Quarterly Planning Resource Center