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How to Finally Keep Your New Year's Resolutions (Infographic)

3 min read

Photo Credit: iStock by Getty Images

Published January 01, 2020

Photo Credit: iStock by Getty Images

Picture of Jessica Wishart

Jessica Wishart
Senior Product Manager at Rhythm Systems

Despite the myth that doing something for 21 days in a row is all it takes to establish a new habit, New Year's Resolutionsaccording to scientific evidence, it can take anywhere from 18 days to 254 days to form a new habit; the average is 66 days. If there's a new habit you'd like to form in 2017, you're not alone. Most Americans usually make a New Year's resolution of some kind. New Year's resolutions tend to involve establishing new habits; the most common in 2016 were "Lose weight," "Get organized," "Spend less, save more," and "Enjoy life to the fullest."

Check out the infographic below for some more information about New Year's resolutions and how to finally establish habits that stick.

How to Finally Keep Your New Year's Resolution

If you're a Rhythm software user, you already have a great tool to help you stick to your new habit. Put in an individual priority for yourself (you can make it private so that only you can see it). Make sure to start with something small and break the goal down into more manageable chunks. You can put in Action Items for these milestones, and you can update your status every week to help hold yourself accountable to the new routine. For extra points, get a team of coworkers together and form a group in Rhythm for your New Year's resolutions so that you can encourage one another.

Good luck, and Happy New Year's from our Rhythm Systems family to yours!

If accountability is on your resolution list take our team accountability assessment to see where you stand, and how you can improve.

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Photo Credit: iStock by Getty Images