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Rhythm Keeps You Motivated

4 min read

Photo Credit: iStock by Getty Images

Published October 31, 2014

Photo Credit: iStock by Getty Images

Picture of Jenn LeVine

Jenn LeVine
a Digital Rockstar at Rhythm Systems

Although I have a couple of articles published in a local Carolinas magazine, I have never written a blog. I never thought I would be writing a blog for my company because I am the Digital Rockstar (it's on my Business-Cardbusiness card!), meaning I am the inbound marketing specialist that lives in our digital world. One of the aspects of this world consists of HubSpot, our marketing and sales software platform; this is where we run our entire website. One part of this platform is the blogging dashboard. This is the place where we publish our team's blogs in the Rhythm Blog - by Patrick Thean and Team

I never thought I would ever have one here myself - what could I write about? I am not an Expert Rhythm Coach; I am a marketer.  I market their amazing content. 

Last year in August of 2013, before I was even a full-time employee, Rhythm Systems sent me to the HubSpot Inbound13 Convention in Boston. While we were there, they announced they were coming out with their COS (Content Optimization System). With this new system, you would have the ability to make your site pages and CTAs (Calls-to-Actions) SMART. SMART means you can make your site unique by appropriately personalizing content for each visitor. They said you have to sign up and get in line if you are interested in having your site transformed to this new system. So, I was one of the first to sign up. I was so excited for this to happen because I knew it would improve our visitors’ experience by personalizing their content. We will be able to show the visitor something new related to their specific needs and educate them in that category every time they visit. 

I ran back to Q4 planning and made this a priority for me. Not only is the COS coming (they said a couple months) but the training and certification you need to succeed was coming. This was part of the priority, to pass this exam and practicum. Every week we status our priorities in Rhythm - Red, Yellow, Green or SuperGreen. The first half of the quarter, I was SuperGreen! I was going to get this done by the end of the quarter. Well, HubSpot started putting their new customers on the COS, and the team they used to put existing customers on had a lot of pages from us to move over. So, needless to say, this took a very, very long time. My Q4 passed, and I was Red. I was not happy because no one wants her status to be Red! 

While waiting for our site, I did a beta test with HubSpot so I could begin to learn the new platform with Landing Pages. I thought, “This is amazing! I can’t wait to dig in.” Months went by. I was Red in Q1 too. Finally, our site became SMART around the very end of Q1! The only problem was the training for the certification wasn’t available until May 1(Q2). Even though we had a SMART site, I couldn’t make anything SMART until I learned the whole process. 

Because of our Rhythm Software, I was able to stay focused on my priority – even with the delays! I was still accountable for this action.  As soon as the training was live, I started my journey of becoming SMART. In May of 2014, I could finally update my status Green! It was such an amazing feeling to accomplish this goal, and for the whole team to see that I have finally been able to move from Red to Green & SMART! 

I am blessed to work with such an amazing team here at Rhythm Systems - we call it the Dream Team. The Rhythm software and methodology we use definitely kept me accountable and prevented me from letting this priority slide. No one wants to be Red! Needless to say, because of Rhythm and my determination to have a Green status, I was the first person ever to take the test and pass the practicum to become COS certified by HubSpot! 

Thank you Rhythm Systems Dream Team & HubSpot for making this all happen!