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World Emblem Achieves Global Alignment as They Scaled from 50 to 1,000 Employees

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The Case Study

The Business Problem

World Emblem needed to diversify to keep growing

World Emblem is the leading provider of high quality apparel decorations in the world. Randy Carr, CEO of World Emblem, inherited the company at only 25 from his father. Randy discovered he had a problem back in 2015. The company was 98% dependent on 5 products in 1 market where the top 3 clients made up over 87% of World Emblem’s revenue. World Emblem needed to diversify. 

When we first started working with Randy 10 years ago, he was committed to making sure World Emblem had a bright future. Fast forward to today and he has not only fulfilled that business goal, but has built a company with diversified products along with a strong culture and teams that are committed to an even brighter tomorrow.

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“Rhythm allows for clear and open communication. Complete and total alignment with over 1,000 people in 8 locations around the world.”

-Randy Carr, CEO, World Emblem


How Rhythm Helped

Aligned world-wide teams to achieve their diversification targets

Before World Emblem implemented Rhythm Systems into the company, there was a lack of focus and an inability to answer the question, What’s Next?

The decision to diversify did not take form overnight. In 2015, World Emblem was dominant in the market that they served. Employees felt comfortable and confident. With the help of a Rhythm Planning Facilitator, Randy committed to a disciplined approach to spending time thinking about the future in his annual and quarterly planning. His Rhythm Facilitator led these discussions and helped the team navigate tough discussions and find a way forward. That think time allowed his team to clearly see the pros and cons of diversification and the potential dangers of ignoring this issue.

Using Rhythm software, World Emblem’s executive teams and departments around the world managed their top goals and the priorities to achieve their diversification targets. They kept alignment using weekly meeting goal dashboards.

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“Everything we measure gets attention and that drives incremental change. Things throughout the business have just gotten progressively better.” 

-Randy Carr, CEO, World Emblem


The Results

Increased diversification from 2% to 33%

Today, Rhythm Systems is a non-negotiable for World Emblem. Consistency is key to Randy Carr’s company, and Rhythm provides World Emblem the consistency to achieve predictable results every year.

The results:

  • Increased diversification from 2% to 33% in 5 years
  • Scaled from 50 to over 1000 employees
  • Achieved status of world’s #1 Emblem Manufacturer

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“Now when I hire people, I say ‘This is part of the way we run this company. If you want to work here, this is something you have to do.”

-Randy Carr, CEO, World Emblem

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