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Published April 03, 2016 at 12:00 PM

3 Steps to Draft a Winning Team (Infographic)

2 min read
2 min read
Picture of Cindy Praeger

Cindy Praeger
Co-Founder and Managing Partner at Rhythm Systems

As the NFL draft approaches later this month, you might take some time to consider your own team. Do iStock_000073049785_Large.jpgyou have the right team in place to produce legendary results? High performance teams start with careful planning - as a leader, you must figure out how to bring your strategy, execution and players' skills together to win.

Here are a few signs that you might need to re-think your teams:

  • You have a great strategy and a go-to-market approach that is getting results, but things still feel clunky.
  • Your teams have missed a few important client deadlines.
  • You've noticed the work product quality has been declining lately.
  • The culture in the office feels stagnant - the energy and excitement just isn't there.

In football, coaches review the playbook (strategy for game plays) and look at player profiles (skills, statistics and experience description). In business, the three step process outlined in the graphic below can help translate this winning approach.


At Rhythm Systems, we have tools to help companies with each of the three steps outlined above. You can download the tools to help your team grow.

Rhythm Systems Free CEO Playbook for Success


Photo Credit: iStock by Getty Images