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Published November 03, 2021 at 11:02 AM

5 Advanced Rhythm v5 Features to Save Power Users Time

4 min read
4 min read
Picture of Jessica Wishart

Jessica Wishart
Senior Product Manager at Rhythm Systems

Strategy Execution Software can be tricky - it  needs to be easy enough for anyone to pick up and use, but powerful enough to get the job done. And, when you've been around as long as Rhythm Systems, you also have some pretty advanced users with some pretty specific use cases to satisfy as well. Our Product Team worked very hard on our latest release to build the most robust strategy execution platform on the planet - simple enough for any teams to manage their work and run their weekly meetings, and powerful for our users who depend on it for more complex scenarios.
Here's a run-down of all the advanced features we built to save our power users some valuable time:
  1. Goal Dashboards. These power tools can do it all. Before, custom dashboards were just for KPIs and they were just for Teams. Now, you can add any goal type you want to a dashboard (KPIs, Quarter Priorities, Annual Priorities, Winning Moves), and you can build them for an individual user OR for a team. Dashboards also now have a Start and End Date so you don't have to waste time copying them from one quarter to the next. The possibilities for managing projects, keeping cross functional work on track, or just keeping up with work that's most important to you are endless.
    Goals Dashboard
  2. Bulk Edit Projected, Actual, Variance. When it's time for a new quarter, the best goal-setters take the time to map out Projected values for each week of the quarter on their KPIs. Going week by week or even just putting in a number at the end of each month really helps you know if you are on track for success or not as you move through the quarter, giving you an even better leading indicator when you are off on your projections. Before, this process was a bit of a pain involving arrowing through multiple weeks to add the Projected values one at a time. Not anymore! In v5, you can open a goal details, hit the edit pencil and tab through all 13 weeks of the quarter to add your projections.
  3. Prioritization Tool. Ever wonder which of your team's Quarter Priorities deserves that coveted #1 ranking in the list, or which of the potential priorities should earn a spot in the top 5 and which should wait until next quarter? Sometimes the top goal is obvious, but sometimes, you might wish you had some subjective criteria for deciding what to prioritize as a team. We've given you the ability to rank Annual and Quarter Priorities on Impact and Ability to Execute and plot them on a quadrant chart, a feature set that was just for Winning Moves in previous versions of Rhythm.
    idea boards
  4. Convert ideas to goals. Power users who love the Ideas Board in a meeting used to spend time copying and pasting the best ideas into Goals, or pasting them into the Parking Lot for later. You can rest those copy/paste keyboard shortcuts for now! You can easily convert ideas from the ideas board into KPIs, Annual Priorities, Quarter Priorities or Winning Moves, add them to the Strategy SWOT screen, or log them to the Parking Lot for later. And, when you do come back to those ideas in the Parking Lot, don't worry! You can easily convert topics from there to goals as well, no copy/paste required.
  5. Easier account administration. We pride ourselves on having a great support team, but you don't always want to submit a ticket and wait for someone else to make a simple change like inviting a new team member. The new and improved admin screens in v5 are easier to use than ever. Power users can manage their own teams and users, restore deleted goals, and customize text templates without having to wait on our friendly support team to help.
These and so many other features (like our API, new planning tools, and in app help) were all built with our power users in mind - to save you time and help you execute your strategies to win in the marketplace. We know you have a lot to do to be successful, and we are thrilled to be the wind in your sails rather than a time-consuming anchor around your neck.
Want to up your game and see how Rhythm can save you time, too? Reach out to our sales team for a demo.