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5 Books By Women Leaders You Should Be Reading

3 min read

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Published July 02, 2017


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Picture of Alicia Croke

Alicia Croke
a Digital Marketing Specialist at Rhythm Systems

"Almost four in ten businesses in G7 countries have no women in senior management positions," according 5 Book By Women Leaders You Should Be Readingto Forbes

I am very lucky to work in a company where our executive team is made up of a diverse group of women and men. The women at Rhythm Systems inspire me every day to learn more, be more, and dream more. One way our female leadership empowers other women in our organization is through continuous learning. We constantly share insights, books, and news. In the spirit of lifelong learning and female empowerment, I am sharing 5 of my favorite books by female leaders.

1. Lean In: Women, Work, and the Will to Lead by Sheryl Sandberg - I read Sandberg's book while I was in a women's leadership workshop in college. "Sandberg provides practical advice on negotiation techniques, mentorship, and building a satisfying career."

2. #GIRLBOSS by Sophia Amoruso - Amoruso has been in the news quite a lot recently, from Nasty Gal going out of business to the Netflix series about her. Read her biography to get the inside scoop!

3. Yes Please by Amy Poehler- Although not a business leader, Amy Poehler is at the forefront of women in comedy. Her book delves deep into her career and how she got from a small town in New England to producing multiple TV shows, acting in award-winning shows, and writing a fantastic book. 

4. Nice Girls Don't Get the Corner Office: Unconscious Mistakes Women Make That Sabotage Their Careers by Lois P. Frankel - I recently have been listening to this audio book in the car. Nothing like female empowerment with your morning coffee!

5. Seriously...I'm Kidding by Ellen DeGeneres - Okay, I am a sucker for funny ladies who write well, sue me! Ellen DeGeneres is a colossal leader in the entertainment industry who broke down many a glass ceiling during her career. She writes with the wit and warmth you expect from her TV show.

 If you have some spare time for reading this holiday weekend, I recommend picking one of these up!

Pre-Order Patrick Thean and Teams new book Predictable Results

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