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5 Year End Tips to Prepare for a Successful 2015

4 min read

Photo Credit: iStock by Getty Images

Published December 21, 2014

Photo Credit: iStock by Getty Images

Picture of Ted Skinner

Ted Skinner
a Rhythm Consultant

It’s that time of the year again where we all sit around and wonder where 2014 went.  Soon our friends gift-237536_1280and family will visit and enjoy the holiday season with loved ones, but that’s a completely different story. I wanted to share with you my top five tips to tie a ribbon on this year and prepare for an even more successful 2015.

Reflect on this year

  • What went well? What did you do to prepare yourself for that success? Can it be replicated as you think about next year?
  • What didn’t work? Why didn’t it work? What would you do differently if you had a chance?
Clean out your email inbox 
  • How many emails are in your inbox, just sitting there, staring you in the face for days on end? Take the time to weed through those emails and don’t be afraid to discard them if they are no longer important. If they were vital to your success, most likely they would have been done by now or brought up again by the colleague that sent them to you.
Set a personal goal for 2015
  • Is it to lose weight? Save money for a house? Rescue a puppy? Visit your best friend? Take a trip to the place you have always wanted to go? Go to Space Camp? Doesn’t matter what it is, but if you want to achieve it you need to commit to it and set a path of progress to get there.
Set a work goal for 2015
  • Open in a new market? Take on a large rebranding campaign?
  • Or perhaps your goals are more career oriented, perhaps to get that next promotion? If so, you want to pay attention to these great tips and avoid these common mistakes.
Reestablish Connections
  • Reach out to someone in your business network that you haven’t spoken to in a long time, someone who has done something special for you over this past year or an old friend from your former job. Drop a line to a friend that overcame a personal challenge this year, somebody who left you a message a while ago that you just never got around to returning or just for no reason at all!

It may seem like a lot to squeeze in at this busy time of the year, but I can guarantee you that it can be done with just a little conscious direction. Think of it as the gift that you can give yourself. Take the necessary couple of hours over the next couple of weeks to practice some of these tips. The gift of clear focus, direction and alignment will be one you can appreciate all through next year.

Happy Holidays, and Happy New Year Everyone!


 Executive Summary from Patrick Thean's book Rhythm