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Published January 06, 2012

Photo Credit: iStock by Getty Images

Picture of Patrick Thean

Patrick Thean
our Rhythm ninja

Happy New Year to our friends and customers!  Here is to a great 2012.
As you begin your new year, here are a couple of ideas and tips for those who are still working on your annual plans for 2012.Key to Annual Plan What gets on resized 600
  • What's working well?  Focus on what worked well last year.  What are some bright spots that you can learn from, and apply to this year to get similar or even better results?
  • What's on your Don't Do List?  It is really easy to have a to do list.  Instead, consider what  you should stop doing and create a "Don't Do List".  One of our clients wrote up her "Don't Do List" as a priority last quarter and had it on her weekly Rhythm ® Dashboard.  She discovered that she was much more focused last quarter and has decided to carry on with that practice this year.
  • What's your #1 Personal goal to accomplish?  Often times we plan for the business, for our families, and we give ourselves what is left over.  Unfortunately, these crumbs do not amount to anything.  To succeed over time, we need to view our work as a marathon, not a sprint.  To run this marathon well, we need to take good care of ourselves while we take care of the business and our families.  So what is your #1 Personal goal that you want to accomplish?  Write that down now and include that as one of your Top 5 business priorities for the year.  What is good for you, will also be good for the business.

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