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Focus On Learnings And Decisions In All Your Meetings

2 min read

Photo Credit: iStock by Getty Images

Published January 19, 2012

Photo Credit: iStock by Getty Images

Picture of Patrick Thean

Patrick Thean
our Rhythm ninja

Meetings are very expensive.  Especially executive team meetings.  Here is a quick tip to get the most onsite-sessionsvalue out of your meetings.  Focus on Learnings and Decisions, not status and updates.  Here is how you can do this:
  • Send out an agenda prior to your meeting with the following:
    • Objective of the meeting.  Finish the sentence "Our meeting will be successful if..."  This makes sure that everyone comes with the same End In Mind.
    • Decisions Needed:  Share what decisions are needed to be made in this meeting.
  • Preparation.  Every attendee should come prepared to discuss, debate and agree.   
  • Send out Status prior:  To avoid lengthy status and reviews, send out the status of the topic at hand before your meeting.  Everyone should review the status and come prepared to learn and contribute to making the right decisions.
Great execution is about making great decisions.  Avoid head-banging time consuming status meetings.  Instead, transform them into decision making meetings that help you make demanding decisions for execution.
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