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Taking Rhythm to the Next Level: Preparing your Team to Cascade

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2 min read
Picture of Tiffany Chepul

Tiffany Chepul
a Rhythm Consultant

Taking the Rhythm methodology to the next level of management is a great way to achieve alignment throughout the organization and provide visibility for the Executive Team. Below are some best practices we've learned in helping companies Cascade Rhythm Strategy Management Software.

- Role clarity on the Executive Team.  First, the executive team must have clarity on roles and responsibilities.  Who is the head of Sales?  Who is in charge of R&D?  Who owns HR?  There can only be one person in each seat and one person can't be in too many seats.  If your team needs help with this, our People Tools are a great resource.Cascade Meeting Rhythms

- Determine your Teams.  Once heads of Teams are identified, decide which teams need to operate as a Group in Rhythm.  Groups that function well in Rhythm have at least 2 members (in addition to the Group Leader).  They also have a need to establish planning and execution Rhythms as a team.

- Make sure Executive Team habits are solid first.  Our most successful clients have the Executive Team complete one full quarter of planning and weekly execution before taking the methodology to the next level of management.  This ensures Group Leaders are confident in the process before cascading it to their teams.

- Establish Planning rhythms at the Group level.  Following the Executive Team planning session, Group Leaders should schedule a session with their team.  At the Group-level session, the Group Leader should present the Company Plan, have strategic discussions with their team and determine the Group Plan.  The Group Plan should consist of 3-5 Group Priorities and each member of the team's 3-5 Personal Priorities.  The Group Plan should align with the Company Plan and include any items that the team needs to address as well.

- Establish Execution rhythms at the Group level.  Once the Group has a quarterly plan in place, they should establish a Weekly Meeting habit.  Cascading Groups should follow the same agenda as the Executive Team.  The best practice on timing is for Groups to meet first, and the Executive Team meet after that.  For example, all the Groups have their Weekly Meeting on Monday morning and the Executive Team meets in the afternoon.  This ensures a proper flow of information and provides the Executive Team the most up-to-date data.

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