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Published January 06, 2023 at 08:31 AM

Hey CEOs! Bring Your Data to Life with Rhythm Integration

5 min read
5 min read
Picture of Ryan Walcott

Ryan Walcott
a Rhythm Consultant

CEOs and business leaders spend a lot of time and energy working to hunt down important dataapi integration and make the right decisions to grow the business based on what they find. The hunt requires time, skill, effort, and consistency. Often teams of people are involved whose whole job responsibility is to collect data and present it in a way that can be understood and acted on.

Understanding and acting on the right data is where things get very difficult and often complex. I've been in countless meetings where stale data is presented in pretty charts. Most of the team in the meeting doesn't understand it and in no way acts on it. Most in the room are embarrassed to speak up for fear they will look stupid, so they nod and go along with the presentation, hoping to get out of the meeting as fast as they can so they can get their large pile of work done.

The cost of this is tremendous. The salaries for the people in the room, the opportunity cost of not acting on important information resulting in failed projects and missed goals, add up to millions of dollars. Sadly, many staff members and leaders lose their jobs and are replaced, hoping the next guy or gal can do better.

There is a better way...

Integrating your day-to-day business systems with Rhythm will bring life to your data and enable you to understand and act on it more effectively than you ever have before. Data from online systems like Salesforce, Infor, HubSpot, and spreadsheets can be pushed into Rhythm dashboards.

Our simple Rhythm dashboards let you see how you are performing against your most important KPIs and projects each week. Clear ownership is assigned to each goal so there is no finger-pointing when things go off track. Measurable success criteria is assigned to each goal so everyone knows what success is. Projects with actions are assigned to teams and staff members so that all are focused and aligned to achieve what the business needs for growth.

These KPIs and projects can be updated with our integration API to ensure the data is timely and accurate each week. I'll explain how this works.

The owner of each KPI and project will have the data from their system of record automagically populated in their Rhythm dashboard for them by the integration API. The owner then colors the status and adds a comment to tell the story behind the status. The story behind the status is the linchpin. This is where using BI tools, or spreadsheet charts falls flat. No one knows the story behind the status and, therefore, cannot act to make adjustments to succeed.

With Rhythm, you know the story behind each status. You can collaborate with team members to determine action plans to get back on track. You can share learnings of what made particular goals successful. You have one central source of truth for your business execution.

API Webinar

Fil Carreira, COO of Voicebrook, said this: "I would say that having the integration between Salesforce and Rhythm improves our efficiency and allows us to have the right conversations at the right time. We no longer need to spend a lot of time questioning the data and digging into the details due to data accuracy/representation issues."

A staffing company we work with runs its entire sales playbook through Rhythm KPIs. The integration API ensures the data is timely and accurate for each Managing Director. Doing this drives improved profitability and accountability.

So, CEO, use Rhythm and our integration API to bring your data to life. Doing so will take you a giant step closer to achieving your goals and dreams for your business.


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