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Published March 08, 2018 at 11:00 AM

How the Best Companies Get Started with Rhythm [Customer Stories]

6 min read
6 min read
Picture of Liz McBride

Liz McBride

When rolling out a new process, it’s best to start with a core group of champions who will help integrate the system into existing processes and authentically evangelize it to the rest of the organization. At Rhythm Systems, we start with the CEO and the executive team and then help to cascade Rhythm through virtual or onsite training, help and tutorials, and certification. Our goal is to make cascading Rhythm down into the organization scalable yet seamless.

I’m not a fan of “no pain, no gain,” especially as it relates to introducing a new program. We should make the change pain-free with ample support systems. Hey, maybe it could even be fun! Whether it’s safe or fun, getting started with Rhythm can revisit and inspire the culture you want to create. It’s a good thing my like-minded clients feel the same way and have wowed us with some creative ways to get their teams started with Rhythm. Here’s How:

UP Professional Solutions Started with a Theme

Rhythm Systems UP Professional ServicesUP Professional Solutions, petrochemical workforce planning, rolled out Rhythm globally with an annual theme of “Swing into Rhythm” complete with monkey swag as rewards for completing Rhythm Certification. You could earn fabulous Chimp Champ shirts and lapel pins. CEO, Michele Wink, proudly displayed her chimp and daily question: What’s your 10%? How Rhythm helps you increase your productivity by 10% by focusing each quarter, week and day on the top 3-5 things.

...And then they danced! To kick off Swing into Rhythm, UP Professional Solutions' executive team and managers performed a choreographed dance to roll out Rhythm to the organization, featuring Janet Jackson’s Rhythm Nation and Johnny Cash’s Get Rhythm.

Our fearless leader, Patrick Thean, accepted a challenge from Michele Wink for him to perform the Rhythm dance at last year’s Breakthrough Conference. Since Patrick is all about sharing experiences, being a true leader and practicing the art of delegation, yours truly and our team were part of the newly formed “Winning Moves” dance squad.

I personally feel the best part of being a parent is completely embarrassing my children. Practicing Janet Jackson moves in my living room did not disappoint.


Come see us October 11-12, 2018, to see what else we’ll do to horrify our children! OK, moving on…

World Emblem Set the Pace

World Emblem, one of the world’s leading global suppliers of apparel decorations, sets the pace as soon as a new hire joins the team. Idith Moran, VP of Human Resources, shares: “We provide new hires with the Rhythm book and mandatory introduction to Rhythm and Job Scorecards.” They’re also instructed to complete Rhythm Certification to get the full value out of the system. “It’s important that our new hires quickly get in the flow of Rhythm to keep from getting distracted and hit our quarterly goals.”

Rhythm Systems World Emblem

Infobip Painted a Picture

Infobip, The Global Communications Platform for Businesses with 50+ offices worldwide, rolls out Rhythm in a pace that matches their agile ways. As Petra Fonjak, Learning and Development Lead and Rhythm Expert explains: “We are getting new hires onboarded with the methodologies we use from day one. During our initial onboarding process, the Academy, people are being taught how Rhythm is helping us scale strategic moves globally, and how we transform those big plans to small, incremental, easy-to-achieve tasks through Scrum. So far it’s been working really well for us, being agile and growing really fast, this combination perfectly fits our needs.”

To bring this to life, they have an Infographic to illustrate how Rhythm fits within their world of Scrum.

Methodologies_Infographic_IB (1).png

AvidXchange Took Us to School

Rhythm Systems at AvidXchange

To seamlessly integrate Rhythm certification, AvidXchange posted Rhythm Certifications into their learning management system -  AvidU. Rhythm Certifications were pre-requisites to a follow-up classroom course on best practices and working sessions in order to ramp 306 to 414 (and growing) successful Rhythm users.

If you’re ready to cascade Rhythm even deeper in your organization and you want to know how to best get started, we’re here to help. My hope is our clients will inspire you to make it your own, weave it into the fabric and culture you have today; but, most of all...have fun!

Do you have unique ways your team is getting started on Rhythm?

Learn more about the Rhythm Methodology by taking the FREE Rhythm Fan Certification course