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Published December 10, 2015 at 09:00 AM

Our New Rhythm Features Help You Build High Performance Teams (Part 4)

3 min read
3 min read
Picture of Ryan Walcott

Ryan Walcott
a Rhythm Consultant

"How can we create something great together?"iStock_000071608633_Medium.jpg

That is the thinking and questioning in your mind when you've navigated the journey successfully from thinking "My Job Sucks!" to "I'm great!" to "Let's do something great together." The next level of greatness transcends the greatness of one team to include an entire organization - teams of teams working together in an interdependent way in which there are no longer any functional silos in the organization.

The thinking in this team and in the entire organization is of limitless potential, bounded only by imagination and group commitment. There is almost no fear, stress, or workplace conflict. Organizations like this have the potential to make history.

We've seen that getting to this place takes trust, discipline, and the right systems for collaboration. Our Rhythm consulting and software platform provides you the right methods and systems, you have to contribute the trust and discipline.  

Organizations at this level strategize together, plan together, up, down, and across the organization in regular Think-Plan-Do rhythms. They collaborate on their plan execution across departments daily. Our Rhythm planning methodology and software give you this capability. Groups can easily plan and create Priorities and KPIs that are visible across groups. Team members can see when others on their own team or across departments are stuck with a Red or Yellow status and offer comments to help make adjustments in the plan to achieve success. And they are glad to do this. :-)

Rhythm can help you build be an "A" player, on an "A" team, within an "A" company. Rhythm can help you on this journey from thinking "My Job Sucks!" to being part of an organization of teams that think "How can we create something great together?" An organization that wins together as a team has the potential to make history.

Get in touch with us today to learn more about making this journey happen in your company.

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