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Rhythm Systems' Most Popular Blogs of 2018

3 min read
3 min read
Picture of Jessica Wishart

Jessica Wishart
Senior Product Manager at Rhythm Systems

Here at Rhythm Systems, we are very blessed to have almost 10,000 blog subscribers, 10+ regular bog 2018contributors, and many amazing readers who comment on our posts (both online and in-person when we are lucky enough to see them). We started blogging back in 2011 before it seemed like everyone and their mother had a blog, and we’ve learned an awful lot and put a ton of time into delivering great content to you, our readers, over the last seven years. In fact, we recently tallied up the hours our team spends on creating, editing, optimizing, and publishing content for this blog, and it was about 385 hours in 2018. We appreciate all of you who read and enjoy the fruits of our hard work.

In case you missed them, I've pulled together a list of the most popular content on our blog in 2018.

Here are the top 5 most popular blogs of 2018:

5. The Five C’s of Team Accountability

4. 33 KPI Examples to Measure Productivity & Prevent Organizational Drag

3. Employee KPI Examples: How to Measure What You Want to Move

2. Classic BHAG Examples

1. 25 KPI Examples for Manufacturing Companies

Here are the most popular infographics last year:

5. 3 Steps to Identify Your Core Customer

4. How to Reach Your BHAG

3. Are Employee Motivation and Employee Engagement the Same?

2. Top 10 Qualities of a Good Planning Facilitator

1. What’s the Difference between a Primary and Secondary Core Customer?

And, here are the most popular videos:

5. The Daily Huddle Meeting: A Key Component in Mastering the Rockefeller Habits

4. 3 Examples of Using Core Competencies to Innovate

3. Strategic vs. Tactical Leaders: Which are You?

2. The 10 Best Employee Engagement KPIs

1. Employee KPI Examples: How to Measure What You Want to Move

We want to create more content you’ll love this year, and to do that, we want to hear from you! Please take just a few minutes to answer this short survey to let us know your favorite content and what you want to read more about in 2019. Thank you!

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