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The Golden Intern

2 min read

Photo Credit: iStock by Getty Images

Published October 07, 2015

Photo Credit: iStock by Getty Images

Picture of Toni Swint

Toni Swint
a Rhythm Ambassador at Rhythm Systems

Wahoo!! I just got the green light to hire a summer intern!  Then reality hit me. We're hiring an intern!  I've got to find this person, go through the hiring and on-boarding process, show them the ropes etc.  I'm exhausted and it's only 45 seconds into the journey....

8 Tips When Hiring an Intern

1) Find someone who you work well with and is coachable and driven.

2) Create the right job scorecard where they know what's expected of them, how to achieve their goals. (this is great for building their resume) 

3) Nurture their strengths - if they are a great writer, use them for writing -  not to design your website.

4) Treat them like your best employee - give them a great first day.

5) Be available to them. Set up a daily huddle so they can be successful every day. Mine was at 9:15 am (young interns don't wake up too early.)

6) Show them how what they do matters. My intern knew that he was making a big difference to help generate marketing leads.

7) Challenge them to challenge you. He found 3 better ways to improve our onboarding and marketing process.

8) Celebrate with them. Mine was a big fan of ice cream.

Good luck intern hunting. And if you have never been called "Miss" or "Ma'am" - brace yourself. I got use to being called Miss Toni... GULP!

Yours Truly,

Miss Toni

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