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Time to De-Suck Your Social Media Rhythm and Get Inbound Leads

3 min read

Photo Credit: iStock by Getty Images

Published October 19, 2014

Photo Credit: iStock by Getty Images

Picture of Patrick Thean

Patrick Thean
our Rhythm ninja

I had a great time at Hubspot's Inbound Conference. Hubspot says that they have a revolution going as Social_Media_Processthey lead many people to shift from outbound marketing to inbound marketing strategies. And they can prove it with their numbers! They started their Inbound Conference four years ago. The first year, they had 1,300 people attend, followed by 2,800 people the second year and 5,500 people the third. This year, they had over 10,000 attendees at Inbound14.

I had a blast learning from the many sessions provided at Inbound14. Since I had a personal goal to learn how to use social media well, I decided to attend Peg Fitzpatrick’s and Guy Kawasaki’s session on the Perfect Post. In order to execute well, and use social media, I would need a rhythm and a process. Events don’t deliver lasting results. Rather, events used as catalysts for learning if you have already committed to a rhythm and a process can help you jump learning curves.

Peg and Guy’s session helped me jump a learning curve. So here is the link to their slideshare presentation. I learned some really cool things, like how important it is to put a photo in my tweets, or that I could put up to four photos in my tweets.  


So check out their slideshare, and improve your social media execution. Many of us may have a social media strategy, or worse, a social media desire (that has not turned into strategy or execution yet). Why is that? What are we waiting for? Well, to take action, often times we need some knowledge or training to jump over the fear of the unknown. Then when we try it, we realize it was not all that scary after all. And we wonder why we waited so long to try.

Take action today.

Check out Peg and Guy’s “The Art of the Perfect Post.” Their practical tips helped me get going, and I hope it helps you get going, too!


Executive Summary from Patrick Thean's book Rhythm