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Published March 03, 2015 at 09:00 AM

Top 5 Traits of Successful Rhythm Companies

3 min read
3 min read
Picture of Tiffany Chepul

Tiffany Chepul
a Rhythm Consultant

success-259710_1280Often as coaches, we are referred to as the "keepers of the patterns."  It's a unique vantage point, if you think of it.  On any given day, I could be on coaching calls with a CEO of a healthcare company, a COO of a software company and a head of HR at a plumbing company.  Three unique perspectives and three unique sets of challenges.  Interesting, to say the least.

One of the patterns I am asked most about is: What characteristics do all companies who are successful Rhythm users have in common?  

I've gathered the Top 5 below:

  • The CEO is non-negotiable.  The CEO accepts no excuses as to why priorities aren't statused or quarterly planning isn't done.  It's a given that everyone engages in the process.
  • Rhythm is a part of their culture.  A new hire gets a desk, a laptop, an email address, a Rhythm book and a login.  Many even have their own internal "Rhythm Champion" to help with onboarding.
  • The calendar is never a roadblock.  All planning sessions are scheduled for the entire year in advance.  Attendance is mandatory, unless there is a family emergency.  All Weekly Meetings and Daily Huddles are scheduled in the proper sequence and happen without fail.
  • Rhythm is cascaded to departments.  The CEO drives alignment and accountability through the organization by requiring teams to establish Rhythm habits.
  • Adjustment is a way of life.  The CEO creates an atmosphere where Yellow and Reds are a gift.   No one is scared to status a true status.  Struggling priorities and KPIs are openly discussed, solutions are proposed and adjustments are made.  They are all in it together.

So, what do you and your team do really well and what can you do to improve? Give it a little thought and see if there is a lesson you can learn from the patterns we’ve observed.


Executive Summary from Patrick Thean's book Rhythm