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Mid Market Companies: The Top Business Challenges Survey

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2 min read
Picture of Chris Cosper

Chris Cosper
Head of Consulting

At our annual Rhythm Systems Breakthrough Conference in Charlotte, we had the opportunity to survey our audience of over 150 mid-market executives and ask the question, “What are the top 8 business challenges for mid-market companies?” The term “mid-market” refers to the size of a company based on its annual revenue, usually between $10 - $500 million. It may seem like a big swing to go from $10 million to $500 million, but not so big when you consider that only 3% of all companies ever make it past the $10 million mark.

mid market challenges

And we know from over a decade of experience working with mid-market companies that those who fall in this revenue range have a unique set of challenges they must overcome. They’ve outgrown the simple management systems that supported their needs in the start up phase, but haven’t quite reached a level of maturity that brings stability and consistency. Things are changing rapidly, resources are stretched thin, and complexity has reached a new high. These companies need help, and we’re constantly adjusting to provide consulting services and tools to meet those needs.

The biggest mid market challenges? The top 8 answers are on the board…

  1. Finding, Retaining and Growing Top Talent
  2. Executing Strategy to Achieve Goals
  3. Maintaining a Healthy, Accountable Culture
  4. Beating Competition and Winning Market Share
  5. Growing Top Line Revenue Year Over Year (Mid Market Sales Strategies)
  6. Selecting, Communicating & Aligning Top Priorities
  7. Scaling Operational Processes
  8. Securing Financial Resources

What are your top business challenges? If you recognize yourself in any of these answers, you may want to download our whitepaper, Intelligent Work: How mid-market CEOs confidently execute their growth strategies and win, or reach out directly to learn how we’re helping mid-market companies every day breakthrough many of these challenges, we'd be happy to see if a mutually beneficial relationship would work.


Free White Paper: Intelligent Work Platform

Interested in additional mid market company resources?

How to Keep Employees Engaged

The Five C's of Team Accountability

Scaling Your Company for Rapid Growth

4 Step Process to Choose Winning Moves for Revenue Growth

Contact Rhythm Systems