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Published July 21, 2014 at 09:00 AM

Your Checklist for Rhythm Success

4 min read
4 min read
Picture of Chris Cosper

Chris Cosper
Head of Consulting

Over the past 8 years, we have had the unique opportunity to work with hundreds of companies around the world. Our observations and research, via coaching sessions, planning sessions, and the review of over 100,000 company, departmental, and individual priorities has provided unique insights into what specific habits, patterns and actions helped these companies execute better and grow faster.Think_Rhythm

We are often asked how our most successful clients are using Rhythm. Remember, Rhythm is more than just the software. It consists of methodology, habits, disciplines, education and coaching. The software is simply the vehicle you use to implement and manage these good business practices in your company. If you are new to Rhythm or ready to challenge your team and engage at a whole new level, take a look at this list and see how many of these best practices you can check off.


  • The CEO will champion the process and lead with Accountability.
  • The entire executive team is willing to invest the time and energy necessary to build new habits and be successful.
  • The team is committed to all parts of the Think-Plan-Do Rhythm:
    • Annual Planning and Strategic Thinking Rhythm
    • Quarterly Execution Planning (every single quarter!)
    • Weekly Adjustment Meetings (even if everyone can’t be there, those who can be there should still meet)
    • Our best clients also have some sort of Daily Huddle rhythm.
  • Quarterly Plans are not complete until all of the Company-level Priorities have the following:
    • Red-Yellow-Green success criteria
    • One clear owner
    • Individual and Group Priorities for each member of the executive team linked to the Company Priorities
  • Weekly Adjustment Meetings are a priority for everyone:
    • Everyone comes prepared.
    • The status of all Priorities and KPIs has been updated prior to the meeting.
    • The owner of any Priority or KPI with a Yellow or Red status has entered a comment explaining what’s going on and the plan to turn it around.
    • The team uses this time to work together on Yellows and Reds, new opportunities that have come up, and determining what needs to happen to have a successful week and finish the quarter strong.
    • Everyone completes and shares their Week-In-Sync notes.
  • The team uses the Comments, Attachments and Planning Notes features to communicate and collaborate between meetings.
  • Once the executive team is comfortable using Rhythm, those who lead departments cascade Rhythm and all of the habits mentioned above to their teams.
  • Everyone dives deep into the Rhythm University! Everyone in the company who uses Rhythm should refer to the University frequently to continue to learn and improve the way they use Rhythm.

Review this list with your team at your next weekly or monthly meeting. If you find that you’re falling short in one or two areas, pick one to work on this quarter. We wish you the best of luck and are always here to help you if you need it!


Take our Rhythm Assessment - discover areas of your business that are preventing you from growing your business to your highest potential.