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5 Highly Effective Strategies for Better Team Meetings [Infographic]

3 min read
5 Strategies for Better Team Meetings

Photo Credit: iStock by Getty Images

Published December 31, 2019

5 Strategies for Better Team Meetings

Photo Credit: iStock by Getty Images

Picture of Jessica Wishart

Jessica Wishart
Senior Product Manager at Rhythm Systems

I recently watched a TED Talk from David Grady called "How to save the world (or at least yourself) from 5 Strategies for Better Team Meetingsbad meetings." It's hilarious, and it hits on some real pain points that we all experience with poorly run meetings that suck our time and energy as well as prevent us from getting the real work done. Grady says, "Everyday, we allow our coworkers, who are otherwise very, very nice people, to steal from us...I'm talking about time."

Do you go back to your desk and think, "Man, I wish I had those two hours of my life back?" Do your weekly staff meetings feel like pulling teeth? If you or your team members can relate to the video linked above, then it is time to shake up your weekly staff meetings with these 5 strategies for better weekly team meetings each and every week!

Here are 5 Strategies for Better Team Meetings

5 Highly Effective Strategies for Better Team Meetings

Hopefully, implementing the strategies above will shift your weekly team meetings from boring, ineffective status updates to adjustment meetings video where the problems are solved and collaboration allows you to be more productive—not less.  Check out this article on having a great monthly meeting.

Happy meetings!

Have adjustment meetings instead of status meetings - download our weekly meeting agenda template

Additional Rhythm Systems Meeting Resources:

4 Easy Steps to Fix Your Weekly Staff Meetings [Video]

How To Have Effective Weekly Staff Meetings (With Sample Agenda Template)

Are You Having Weekly Meetings with Yourself?

Supercharge Your Meetings with This Effective Weekly Meeting Agenda

8 Ways to Make Weekly Meetings Strategic vs. Tactical (Video)

Weekly Adjustment Meetings vs. Weekly Status Meetings (Infographic)

Meeting Suck! Let's Fix Our Weekly Staff Meetings

Questions to Give Your Weekly Adjustment Meeting a Tune Up

How to Conduct a Weekly Strategy Meeting

Photo Credit: iStock by Getty Images