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Published January 15, 2020 at 04:10 PM

Core Values Implementation Plan: 8 Ways To Manage Using Your Core Values (Video)

2 min read
2 min read
Picture of Tiffany Chepul

Tiffany Chepul
a Rhythm Consultant

Once your executive team has worked to discover, test, and finalize your Company's Core Values, it's time to go out and live them!  

8 Ways to Manage Using Your Core Values:

1. Everyday Management—Use your Core Value phrases as part of your natural language—in meetings, when praising and reprimanding employee behaviors, when discussing customer and vendor issues, etc. We should talk about our core values as much as our core purpose.

2. Create Legends - Create an Annual Culture Book to capture personal stories from the team. Ask everyone to share Core Values stories (we do this around Thanksgiving to celebrate our Core Value of "Be Appreciative").

3. Recruitment & Selection - Do you veto candidates or fire current employees who do not demonstrate your Core Values? During the interview process, ask candidates to share how they have lived one of your Core Values in their prior job or life experience.

4. Orientation - Incorporate Core Values into your new employee orientation process. Share the Culture Book and personal stories.

5. Appraisal Process - Incorporate Core Values in your formal appraisal process - share stories and client feedback.

6. Recognition & Reward—Name employee awards after your Core Values. Implement an employee recognition box where people can submit recognition of teammates who live the Core Values to be shared at a company meeting.

7. Internal Newsletter - Use Core Values in regular employee newsletters,  i.e., Core Values Corner.

8. Quarterly Themes - When quarterly execution planning, use Core Values language in quarterly themes when appropriate.


Looking for more information to help get you started? Check out our additional resources:

A Real-Life Job Scorecard Example [SlideShare]

Job Scorecard vs. Job Description: What's the Difference? (Video)

Don't Get Stuck on Your Job Scorecard

The 5 C's of Team Accountability

The 10 Best Employee Engagement KPIs (Video)