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Breakthroughs Come In All Forms

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Photo Credit: iStock by Getty Images

Published January 31, 2016

Photo Credit: iStock by Getty Images

Picture of Tiffany Chepul

Tiffany Chepul
a Rhythm Consultant

Reflecting back on Rhythm Systems’ first Breakthrough Conference at the end of October, I can’tBreakthrough-execution-conference-rhythm-systems help myself from looking back and being proud!

I’m proud to be part of a team that put together a full day-and-a-half of great content. I’m proud of the people who came with the purpose of achieving their own personal breakthroughs (and seeing it happen!). I’m infinitely proud of the work I do everyday to contribute to our core purpose of changing the world one entrepreneur at a time.

At first, my only regret was for the Rhythm Software clients who were unable to come. One company was hosting their own user conference. Another was attending their industry’s largest trade show (and collecting over 100 leads!). Yet another was closing an acquisition and doubling in size overnight (yikes!).

Then, I realized they were having their own breakthroughs at home. All three of those teams are long-time users of Rhythm – they had been laying the groundwork for those breakthroughs for some time. As their consultant, I have seen many quarterly priorities over the year leading up to those monumental achievements.

It reminded me that sometimes breakthroughs hit like a bolt of lightning (I saw many of those at the conference), and others come after continuous, focused commitment to the Think, Plan, Do process.

Breakthroughs come in all forms: small, large, fast, slow. The trick is to acknowledge them, celebrate them and be thankful for them when they happen. Keep your eyes peeled – your next one could be just around the corner.