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Creating a Culture of Superheroes

4 min read

Photo Credit: iStock by Getty Images

Published May 08, 2016

Photo Credit: iStock by Getty Images

Picture of Liz McBride

Liz McBride

I believe in building a strong culture where the team feels connected and there is life, a buzz if you will, in World-Emblem-Culture-Blog.jpgthe workplace. Why then did I initially question Clarence at World Emblem about his choice to name his HR Group in Rhythm “HR Superheroes?”

Here was Clarence’s response:

Our 2016 HR Theme is that we are “Superheroes of HR.” We all have super powers. For example, the names of each HR professional is related to a Superhero... Clarence is “Superman,” Idith is “Batman,” Christy is “SpiderMan,” Elena is “Storm” and Maria is “SuperGirl.” Can you imagine the fun we had in our strategic meeting… see attachment!!

I opened the attachment and saw this picture. Only Clarence.

I got to meet his Superheros and learn more about how they selected their superhero based on their own super powers:

  • Idith, HR Generalist, aka, Batman - Focused and business-like as a nod to Bruce Wayne but is able to take punches (challenges) and loves her Batbelt (innovation).
  • Christy, Payroll and Benefits, aka, Spiderman - Agile and quick in taking care of the everyone’s bottom line.
  • Elena, Training & Safety, aka, Storm - Controls the weather in order to keep her team safe.
  • Maria, Recruiting, aka, Supergirl - Flies above the talent pool and uses her shape-shifting and invisibility powers to spot true talent.

As I review their dashboards to check in on Gotham, I can see all of their powers at work. Here’s a sampling of real Week in Sync entries from the team this past week:

  • Victories:
    • Safety week was awesome
    • Payroll is 100% direct deposit!!!!!!!
    • “You Rock” is Rocking! We are way above our initial goal
    • ADP implementation plan is on track
  • Priorities for the week ahead:
    • Hire! Hire! Hire!
  • Stucks:
    • Nothing :)

Yes, there was an emoji in their notes. I am anti-emoji but, hey, only Superheroes can get away with that.

I want to join their “you rock” party. I rock, too! Wouldn’t you want to work among superheros? Better yet, create your own culture of Superheros?

Clarence, Head of Talent, is Superman - the Man of Steel. He fights bullets that come his way and lets things bounce off of his chest. He’s like Clark Kent, a curious learner but, make no mistake, he’s the hero of mankind.

An engaged workforce drives performance; but, it takes commitment and leadership to make it come to life. Superman believes in his team’s super powers and, in turn, has earned their trust. He encourages his team to dig deeply to find their inner talents, natural gifts, and super powers...and send up the bat signal for all to see.

As I replied to his email: his team is “SUPER lucky to work with Superman.”

Don’t let your political correctness be your Kryptonite as it was with me at first… be brave enough to slip on some spandex (metaphorically speaking, of course) and make a name for your team.

Signed, Wonder Woman (because the invisible helicopter is cool)

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