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Do You Have a Brand Promise to Attract Customers?

4 min read

Photo Credit: iStock by Getty Images

Published September 17, 2014

Photo Credit: iStock by Getty Images

Picture of Ryan Walcott

Ryan Walcott
a Rhythm Consultant

I was recently traveling to Boston and found myself in Logan airport hungry and waiting for my flight.  I had about an hour to get a bite to eat and started considering all the different options for food. Logan is a big airport with lots of options and variety.  So, I did what most people do when given lots of options:  I stood there and did nothing for a while.  :-)

Then, I looked up and saw the Potbelly Sandwich Shop.  At first I rejected it because I thought the name was a bit odd.  But I looked a little further past the sign and saw a poster next to their menu with the words Fresh - Fast - Friendly.


Those 3 words caught my attention.  I try to eat healthy to keep my aging and expanding waistline in check, so I liked seeing the word Fresh and a description of what they meant by it.  "Great Ingredients Prepared in Shop Made the Way 'You' Want."  That sounded great to me! 

Next I saw Fast followed by the clarifying statement "8 Minutes through the line MAX."  Now that was a promise.  Eight minutes through the whole line.  Just what I needed since my flight was boarding in about 40 minutes.

Last I saw Friendly followed by the words "Hang Out Leave Happy."  Nice.  I'm into friendly, especially if I can get Fresh food in 8 minutes or less.

The best part is what comes next.  Potbelly delivered on their promise flawlessly.

I stepped up to the counter.  The man helping me was super friendly.  Not in a creepy or cheesy way, but genuine in helping me get the food I wanted.  He also was highly skilled and crafted a great sandwich for me.  So they delivered on Friendly, and I was pretty happy at that point.

They were certainly Fast.  I had a great sandwich in around 5 minutes.

The sandwich was Fresh and I could see that they used high quality ingredients and prepared them with skill and excellence.

So, the lesson learned here is to create a Brand Promise that not only attracts customers, but also to work hard to deliver on that promise so that they keep coming back.  

Don't be shy about your promise if you have one. Potbelly's posted it next to their menu and had it displayed in every napkin dispenser on every table.

I will certainly stop by Potbelly's again the next time I am in Boston.  :-)

Do you have a Brand Promise to attract new customers and help you keep the ones you love?

Tell me about it in the comments section below.

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Rhythm Systems Brand Promise Tool

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