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Published November 21, 2018 at 11:08 AM

Give Thanks

3 min read
3 min read
Picture of Paige Wilcox

Paige Wilcox
the Client Services Manager at Rhythm Systems

A Core Value that resonates strongly at Rhythm Systems is "Be Appreciative." That's why an episode of employee appreciationHurry Slowly, a podcast about pacing yourself to uncover creativity and meaning in your work, that addressed the power of appreciation and generosity caught my eye—or ear, rather.

In the episode, host Jocelyn K. Glei interviews author/researcher/teacher Adam Grant. We may underestimate the power of saying thanks, but Grant's research has shown that even small expressions of thanks can have big effects. When people feel appreciated, they are more motivated to work harder and more productively. Even a simple "thank you" can make someone 50% more likely to help you again, as it shows you valued their time, and it's worth it for them to invest their time in the future.

employee appreciationGrant also found that many employers thought that the biggest motivators for their employees would likely be salary and benefits with appreciation being at the bottom of the list, but surveyed employees actually ranked appreciation at the top of their motivation lists. Appreciation may be harder to measure tangibly, but investing the time to show appreciation can be incredibly valuable.

I recommend listening to the full interview as it also covers establishing a culture of generosity and help/advice-seeking, how to ask for help and "generosity burnout" (and why women typically have higher burnout than men).

To show some appreciation to your team, consider investing in an Accountability Workshop or exploring our Leadership Execution & Accountability Program! For more information about our programs and workshops, please schedule a time here. 

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The Five C's of Team Accountability

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