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Published August 29, 2022 at 10:16 AM

Why You Need a Facilitator to Drive Your Virtual Strategic Planning Process [Infographic]

3 min read
3 min read
Picture of Jessica Wishart

Jessica Wishart
Senior Product Manager at Rhythm Systems

Many unknowable things can happen between now and the beginning of 2023. One thing we do know virtual strategic planning sessionis that when next year hits, you will need to hit the ground running on your company’s strategic plan. Whether you are in a position to capitalize on new opportunities or looking to survive cuts and turn the ship around, this could not be a more critical time for your business. Your planning process for 2022 may be the most important one you ever undertake.

Don’t wait to get started. Our expert consultants have already begun working with our clients to think about their annual strategic plans. We’ve noticed a trend that the best companies are starting the conversation earlier than they typically would. Designing your planning process to help you be more agile for changing conditions will be critical to your success.

See What Our Clients Think About Our Virtual Planning Sessions Here!

To be able to get your arms around potential scenarios, understand the current state and analyze relevant trends, and make the tough choices to set you up for the best possible year ahead, you need to start early. Particularly since the team is likely busy fighting fires, possibly managing the same amount of work with fewer resources and dealing with stressful distractions, starting early will allow you to get their full focus in shorter virtual sessions rather than a marathon two-day session in the fall.

Here’s an infographic outlining the high-level steps for your virtual strategic planning process for 2022:


virtual strategic planning

If it seems overwhelming to shepherd your team through so many steps, let one of our experts help you. Our consultants are world-class in delivering virtual strategic planning sessions; many of our clients prefer the virtual sessions to the in-person offering due to the savings on travel and the additional focus and discipline afforded by this format. Let us work with you to customize the right process and solution for your team.

Need Help with Planning? Explore Your Options


Additional Virtual Strategic Planning Session Information:

7 Tips for a Great Virtual Strategic Planning Session

Learn About Our Virtual Planning Sessions and Facilitators

How to Engage Remote Employees

10 Questions to Determine If Your Team Needs a Virtual Planning Session 

How to Prepare for Virtual Strategic Planning

Keep Your Company Out of Trouble with a Lesson from Virtual Planning

How to Facilitate a Strategic Planning Session

Rhythm Systems Quarterly Planning Resource Center

Photo Credit: iStock by Getty Images