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Published April 20, 2017 at 09:00 AM

10 Ways to Combat Workplace Burnout

5 min read
5 min read
Picture of Alicia Croke

Alicia Croke
a Digital Marketing Specialist at Rhythm Systems

Millennial women are burning out fast in the corporate world, and it is not just due to childcare. According toCombat Workplace Burnout Fast Company, "As only 11% of women choose to leave the workplace permanently to have children, the other reason for this gap can be traced to high expectations that companies place on their employees in always-connected work environments."

As a millennial woman who works with other millennial women, I have seen this play out across industries and lifestyles. And it's not just millennial women that are burning out. "And while it's true that women tend to be more stressed than men, burnout is something that affects millennial overall—the most stressed out generation ever, according to the American Psychological Association," according to Fortune. 

So, how do you combat this problem before it starts affecting your workforce? Putting the right support system in place now for your employees will pay dividends in the long run.

Check out my ten common ways to combat workplace burnout.

1. Relaxation. According to an article in Forbes"It seems relaxation is something Millennial women have never experienced. One reason that women are burning out early in their careers is that they have simply reached their breaking point after spending their childhoods developing well-rounded resumes."

Meditation can prove immensely helpful in calming one's spirit and mind during a busy day. 

2. Schedule time for yourself. It is all good and well to want relaxation and time to yourself, but you have to make a conscious effort to make time for yourself.

3. Set boundaries. "While communication technology can promote productivity, it can also allow work stressors seep into family time, vacation and social activities," according to another Forbes article. 

Once you have all your work done for the day, switch off all your notifications and your mind.

4. Let employees follow their passion. One of our core values at Rhythm Systems is keeping smart. We keep smart because we love to do it and have created a regular rhythm of learning. We read blogs and articles daily; we watch webinars and attend training sessions. Keeping smart allows each of us to follow our passions in our work.

5. Create a strong support system. At Rhythm Systems, we use an employee health index every week to show how we're managing our workload for the week. I have had weeks when I had too much to do, and I say no more. We also call out members who may say they are Green but are in fact Red.

6. Allow for a personal life. Things happen in employees' lives. "Life is short, and it is important to enjoy the journey." Allowing employees to take care of things in their personal life will lessen the burnout they feel.

7. Eating healthy. Mental health professionals recommend watching what you eat; "What you put in your body can have a huge impact on your mood and energy levels throughout the day." Maintaining a healthy diet will keep your mind sharp and your productivity levels high.

8. Exercising. I cannot stress exercising enough to combat work burnout. You need a method to deal with stress. I recently took up kickboxing, and I feel infinitely better and more ready for the day once I have worked out.

9. Maintain an obtainable workload. We use quarterly planning as a time to determine what everyone's workload will be for that quarter. Things, of course, do come up, but that is where our lovely priority board comes into play. You can see how many priorities each member of your team is working on and whether things need to be removed or added.

10. Sleep. It is difficult to overstate the importance of sleep for preventing burnout. According to Forbes"Research suggests that having fewer than six hours of sleep per night is a major risk factor for burnout, not least because poor sleep can have negative effects on your job performance and productivity." 

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