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Published March 08, 2017 at 09:00 AM

5 Things Your Boss Expects You to Know About KPIs (Video)

8 min read
8 min read
Picture of Alicia Croke

Alicia Croke
a Digital Marketing Specialist at Rhythm Systems

So you just started your new job, and your boss sits you down to talk about your KPIs. He says, "Yeah, we What Your Boss Wants You to Know about KPIsare gonna measure your performance based on these, so hopefully you do a great job!"

After your busy first day, you realize you are completely lost when it comes to your KPIs.

He gave you a plan all laid out, but you still need some guidance as you start your new job.

Here is what your boss will expect you to know about your KPIs:

Wistia video thumbnail - 5 Things Your Boss Expects You To Know About KPIs

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1. He or she will expect you to know what the success criteria are for your KPIs. What will be green (on target), yellow (well, you tried) and red (substantial problem)?

2. How your KPI impacts other parts of the business. When KPIs are set, there is a reason for it, it's not arbitrary. How does what you do affect everything else in your organization? As an example, in my role, I know that if I do not hit enough website awareness, that will affect contacts, which will affect sales.

3. How to consistently achieve green results for your KPIs. What actions will you need to take throughout the quarter to deliver results? I know that I need to schedule and publish enough content throughout the quarter to hit my awareness KPIs.

4. What to do if you're falling behind on your KPI. No one wants to think about what happens if you fail, but you must. How do you plan on handling failure for one of your KPIs? Ideally, you would ask for help early in the quarter when you see things are going wrong.

5. Your boss will want you to know if one of your KPIs is part of a composite KPI. If you want a complete understanding of composite KPIs, check out Tiffany's blog on the subject.

Hopefully, you can use these five things to wow your boss at your next weekly meeting. You might even be able to educate your co-workers on what you learned.

5 Minute Rhythm-KPIs To Juice Up Your Weekly Meetings

Photo Credit: iStock by Getty Images

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