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Annual Planning: Does Your Plan Include Winning Moves?

2 min read

Photo Credit: iStock by Getty Images

Published March 10, 2017

Photo Credit: iStock by Getty Images

Picture of Patrick Thean

Patrick Thean
our Rhythm ninja

It is important to have winning strategies that drive your annual plan.  Don't just focus on revenues and profit and growth.  Also focus on key winning strategies that are exciting, that provoke passion and excitement in your team. 

I have found that if we have a couple of winning strategies, really winning moves that can drive our growth through the roof, teams are much more excited about building a future together for their company.  Conversely, if all we do is focus on making a revenue number or a profit number, teams get bored and sometimes even look for new career opportunities that drive their passion and imagination.  See a 5 year strategic plan example.


Take a day this year when you plan for next year, and spend time thinking about your 3 year plan.  Do you have any winning moves that can double your company in the next 3 years?  If you do, that is great!  If you do not, then spend the time to work on this during your Annual Planning session.  Think beyond the 12 month horizon that most people have in their annual planning sessions.  Instead, think 3 years down the road.  Are there any winning strategies that you should work on now, that will then position you correctly 3 years from now?