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Published January 22, 2020 at 08:14 AM

Why Do You Need to Discuss, Debate, Decide with Your Team?

4 min read
4 min read
Picture of Jessica Wishart

Jessica Wishart
Senior Product Manager at Rhythm Systems

Maybe you have a brilliant idea for your business - maybe you've come up with something that will revolutionize your company. Maybe it's a Brand Promise guarantee that will put you out of reach of your competitors, a winning move that will double your revenue in just three years, or some other piece of strategy that you think is just perfect. The temptation is to fill in the corresponding box on the One-Page Strategic Plan and make a pronouncement to your team that this is it! Here's the answer - now, make it happen!

However, even though your ideas might be excellent, 20160603184418-motivate-employees-coworkers-discussing-ideas-business-briefingif your team is not bought in, you won't be successful. Even if you are wildly excited about your plan, you still need to spend time with your team to Discuss, Debate, and Decide. There are several reasons why this is important:

* If you don't discuss your ideas with your team, they may not understand them fully. The last thing you need is to have your team executing and working hard toward the wrong target because you didn't take the time to explain the purpose and the spirit of what you are trying to accomplish.

* Also, chances are your team has ideas about what they think your strategy and plan should look like. When you don't give them the opportunity to present their ideas, you miss out on hearing ideas that could be just as wonderful as your own!

* Neglecting to discuss ideas with your team could also rob you of meaningful feedback. They may think of things you hadn't considered and have invaluable insights into what it would actually take to get from idea to action. You should tap into this intelligence whenever you have a chance.

* Your team members may disagree with you. You must give them the opportunity to debate the idea and to voice their concerns, and you must ensure that your team members feel heard. If you don't, they may just do what they think is best regardless of what you say. Not allowing time to debate your idea could cost you valuable resources.

All of this isn't to say that you should change your idea if your team grumbles about it. You should hear them out, let them know that you understand their concerns, and make the case for why you are deciding to stick with your original plan (or if you're open to changes, then you can decide with your team what the best way forward would be).

At any rate, it is critical to have key players on board any time you are implementing your One-Page Strategic Plan. And, the best way to keep your team engaged and motivated to contribute is to Discuss, Debate, and Agree!

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