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Simple Do's and Don'ts for Implementing Rockefeller Habits

3 min read

Photo Credit: iStock by Getty Images

Published May 12, 2013

Photo Credit: iStock by Getty Images

Picture of Tiffany Chepul

Tiffany Chepul
a Rhythm Consultant

I've worked with countless teams, who come to us in various stages of implementing the Rockefeller Habits.  Regardless of whether you are just getting started or are a seasoned user, there are a few pitfalls we commonly see as coaches.  Below are some patterns we have identified - translated into some simple do's and don'ts:Rockefeller Habits RYG Dashboard

  • Don't short-change the planning process.  The most common objective I hear is "We are too busy to take 1 whole day to plan, much less 2 whole days!"  Proper planning is an investment in future success.  It makes you more efficient and saves time and resources in the long run.  Every week of the quarter you spend executing without a winning plan opens you up to risk.
  • Don't leave planning without an execution plan.  Another common pattern I see is teams stopping 2 yards short of the goal line in planning.  Once you arrive at your 3-5 Company Priorities, don't leave the meeting until each member of the team has their list of 3-5 Personal Priorities for the quarter to which they will be held accountable.
  • Don't be afraid to adjust your plan when necessary.  Every team has quarters that don't go as planned.  If a major shift in your business requires you to change focus, don't be afraid to call a session with the purpose of mid-quarter adjustment.  Reset your Company and Personal Priorities to address issues and move on.  Don't lose out on execution time for the remaining weeks in the quarter.  Be nimble and adjust.
  • Do create priorities with verbs and measurable success criteria.  Each of your Company and Personal Priorities should have a verb.  Avoid priorities that read more like categories - they should be specific and actionable.  Each priority should also have clearly defined Red Yellow Green success criteria.  Nothing is worse that getting to Week 7 and finding out that your idea of success was different than your team's!
  • Do create your Weekly Meeting rhythm and stick to it.  Another objection I hear as a coach is "We are too busy to have a weekly meeting - we all travel and it's too hard."  This is an excuse that will paralyze your team from an execution standpoint.  Teams who do not meet weekly to discuss and adjust, to get struggling priorities back on track, will continue to have poor execution.  Set your day and time and stick to it.  If someone is on a plane and can't attend, they should still status their priorities and do their Week In Sync Note (to be read out loud by the weekly meeting facilitator).  The weekly meeting should carry on as planned every week, regardless.
  • Do share good news; celebrate SuperGreens and Victories.  Share best practices and bright spots.  Keep it positive!


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