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The Journey to Achieving a BHAG of 10 Million Shoes

4 min read

Photo Credit: iStock by Getty Images

Published October 25, 2023


Photo Credit: iStock by Getty Images

Picture of Patrick Thean

Patrick Thean
our Rhythm ninja

I am still reflecting on what an inspiring experience Christine Rutherford and I had last week traveling to South Africa as part of a larger mission to help Samaritan’s Feet International hit their BHAG (Big Hairy Audacious Goal) of serving the 10 millionth recipient with a pair of shoes. I am grateful to have brought our Head of Sales, Christine, alongside me - who was so focused on giving back and connecting with everyone we met. Samaritan’s Feet International has been a long-time friend, charity partner, and client of ours so it was very special to be part of such a grand achievement and organization that impacts so many lives.

Samaritan’s Feet began their BHAG journey in 2003 with each winning move planned out to achieve their 10 million pairs of shoes goal in 2023.  Samaritan’s Feet is a prime example of living their core purpose that is driven by focus, accountability, and alignment.


Growth Journey

These trips provide us with a unique opportunity to make a positive impact on the world. I have been really grateful to serve the children alongside my wife Pei-Yee and my team partner Christine. As a “giver,” I have received much more back on this trip with the children around me. I even had a chance to record a video of a proud moment alongside Manny Ohonme, the founder and CEO of Samaritan’s Feet International, as he reflected back on his journey to achieving their 2023 BHAG. 



I want to invite you to get involved in helping  Samaritan’s Feet International achieve their next BHAG / mountain climb of a world with zero shoeless children. Explore their inspiring story, understand how you can directly contribute to the cause, and discover why each individual's involvement plays a crucial role in achieving remarkable milestones like the one I have been so blessed to have witnessed in South Africa.

Winning Moves


5 Key Lessons from Manny’s Life Story: 

  • Success is NOT a solo venture 

  • Vision is a Paramount: Make sure it’s BIG ENOUGH for others to join you 

  • Know your WHY Keep showing up daily for yourself and others 

  • Don’t live with REGRETS by FAILING to take chances 

  • Don’t BLAME - INNOVATE: Remain FOCUSED on your goal

I am proud of Manny Ohonme and all that he has accomplished over the past 20 years! Cheers to reaching this BHAG. Now it’s on to the next milestone… 


Download the BHAG Guide


To Learn More About Achieving BHAG Read These Resources 

Create Your Personal BHAG [Examples]

BHAG and the Benefits of Taking a More Strategic View

5 Ways to Bring Your BHAG to Life

Use Rhythm Systems to Build Power Habits in Your Organization

Core Purpose in Action with Samaritan's Feet